Chapter 33

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I woke up in the morning with a headache due to a hangover.

I didn't know what happened after Bui said he will break up with me when I do something silly to him.

To my surprise, I didn't see him next to me. And I'm also confused about why am I at my office shop.

My shirt is still the same as yesterday. When I tried to touch my face, it sting my side cheek. So I hurriedly went to the bathroom to check.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked myself confused when I saw bruised on the left of my cheeks. And it turned purple already.

I washed my face and take medicine before going out to ask them what happened last night.

But before I can go outside, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I shouted then Nodted and Ta came in.

"What happened last night?" I hurriedly asked them upon getting inside the room.

"You tell him," Nodted said to Ta.

"No, you tell him" Ta nudges him too.

"No, you tell him," said the other again, they keep on repeating that for a while now and it was annoying.

Why can't just tell me, why they need to argue about it?

"Get out" I shouted at them. Because my headache is already killing me, and now they only came to me to argue?

"You fuck up big time, did you know that?" Nodted shouted at me too. I don't know why is he getting mad at me now.

"What do you mean, I fuck up?" I'm getting mad too, because why is he shouting at me now?

"Bsumone, you fuck up big time with BeYourLuve" he mocked at me.

My eyes went wide upon hearing him mention our names.

"What did you say? How did you know about us?" I can't believe what I just heard from him.

"Last night, you clear everything to us. It's been a long time since we have the idea that both of you are behind those accounts. But why do you want to post our photo on that account? You want them to know about him, do you? It's good that you showed us your plan" He's really angry at me because he's jaws are clinching while pointing at me.

And this revelation is quite shocking to me. Since when did they get the idea that we are Bsumone and BeYourLuve?

"What plan are you talking about? I can't do that to him." I insisted, but I'm getting nervous now.

"No? You want us to believe that?" he said still angry at me.

"Yes, and that's true," I said back shouting.

"Can you two talk much nicer? Why do you need to fight now?" Ta shouted looking angry at us too.

I sat down on the couch because I felt so weak.

Like my energy drained at once.

I pulled my hair in frustration. I also wanted to punch myself, and not only that. I hate myself now.

How can I do this to him? What is he thinking of me now?

"What am I going to do?" I whispered feeling nervous and confused as fuck.

I can also hear Bui's voice saying I'm breaking up with you in my ear, and it really breaks my heart.

"We want to help. But we really don't know what's gonna happen now. You hurt him so much. The good thing is, you didn't post it for real and we saw it before it could happen" Ta explained but he sounds disappointed.

"Since when did you know about us?" I think I don't need to hide from them anymore, now that they know the truth about me and Bui.

"Bib you think we can't recognize the both of you? You even take photos here in your office and before going to the club yesterday. You even exchanged clothes, am I right?"

This is crazy I said to myself.

"But why didn't you say anything?" I asked them still anxious about our relationship now.

"We respect your relationship, if you want to keep it a secret that he likes wearing those sexy clothes then we can't do anything about it. We are just happy that our suspicion was right." Nodted explained.

Now that he told me that, I remember the day they admitted that they followed BeYourLuve. Why did we forget about that?

"So babe we have some money to collect" Nodted added grinning at Ta.

"What money are you talking about now?"

"The two idiots didn't believe us at first when we told them we know who are Bsumone and BeYourLuve. So we make a bet, and now we win" Ta said smiling very proudly

"So, you mean it's been a long time since you all know that Bui is BeYourLuve? What the hell? You need to block him now. Are you staring at his legs too? Tell them to come here and I wanna talk to them" Now I'm blubbering the words that come out of my mouth because of madness.

I'm not only mad, but I'm also going crazy now because of him.

"We stopped already don't worry, but Job and Bass I don't know about them" Ta answered.

"So you admitted that you are checking him out?" I'm getting angry with them now.

All this time, my employees are staring at the legs of my Bui? I can't believe this is happening now.

"It's not like that, we are just happy seeing his legs. And don't get angry with us because we all know that you are also like when he posted those photos. When he wears those skirts?" Nodted trying to explain his side and teased me at the same time.

"Yeah, but he's mine. All of you should stop staring at his photos or else I will fire all of you" I threatened them.

"You better go to him first and stop telling us what to do. We know our limitations when to stop staring. We only adore him because he's cute, we don't love him as you do. And we are not a perverted person to do look at him like that" Ta stated.

Then after that, my phone rang and it was a new number.

"Hello" I quickly answered

"No need to come to Bui now he is still mad at you. You have to give him some time alone." then the caller ended just like that.

Now let's go to Bui's pov of what is in his mind right now.

Yaaayyy I hope you like this revelation of the. 🤣 🤣 🤣

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