Chapter 21

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"No need to hold hands under the table, why are you still hiding that you two are in a relationship," Jeff said looking at me and then at Ta.

We just had our lunch, and everybody is still sitting in their spot.

And Bib was holding my hands under the table at that moment.

Because of what Jeff said, I take back my hands from Bibs.

"We've noticed already that something is going on with the both of you." Job said then look at Nodt and then to me.

We didn't tell them yet but I know that they've noticed us already.

Bib grabbed my hand again and squeezed it.

Now I felt so nervous about telling them, that's why I asked Bib to hide our relationship because I don't know what they're gonna say about me.

"No need to be shy, and just tell us. Or we're going to show them your pictures together" Bass said giggling.

What picture are they talking about my mind said and I even look at Bib? Because I'm confused now about what are they talking about.

How did they even know that we have a photo together? We never posted any of them yet.

"Maybe they want their relationship in private, that's why they don't want to tell us." Job shrugged.

I squeeze his hand again, telling him to do something about the situation we are in.

He took out his phone and type something. Then I received a message from him.

Daddy 🖤
Do you want me to tell them now?

Baby 💙

Now I'm feeling nervous as ever. Because this is the first time in my life that someone is going to introduce me as their boyfriend.

"If you don't want to tell us, it's fine. We just want to congratulate the both of you." Jeff said again but now he was looking at the table.

"Bui and I are officially dating. If that's what you to hear from us" Bib said immediately and everyone was shocked by his revelation.

"You mean, you too?" Jeff asked with a shocked face.

Then I and Bib look at each other realizing what he just said.

Then Bas and Job are laughing together. Nodt and Ta are also shocked about it.

"We want them to tell us their relationship" Job pointed to Nodt and Ta. "We thought that you are only flirting with each other. Because Bib said before that he doesn't want to be in a relationship" he also added.

Both of us didn't say anything. And I know even he felt shy about what happened.

He put his arms on my shoulder and hide his face behind me.

"Let's get out of here" he murmured behind me.

But I can feel that he is giggling.

"Okey fine we are dating," Nodt said too after that.

It's good that their attention now is not on us.

"Get up" I nudge him.

"Baby, I'm shy" he whispered to my ear.

"You think I'm not" I answered him.

"I thought they meant us"

"Me too, can we go now." now we're whispering to each other so they can't hear what are we saying.

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