Chapter 8

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"What's the problem with this one?" I asked Bui when I saw him shaking his head while looking at the engine of the car.

"Overheating, the owner said it's been like that for a couple of years," he said laughing.

"Maybe the coolant level is low" I answered him because that's the main for overheating.

"Couple of years man, he didn't take this car for a service. What can you expect?" he told me and just glance at me for a couple of seconds and look back at the car engine.

"There are so many problems with this one, and he wants to take back his car this afternoon. How can I even do that?" he complained

"And look at that, the head gasket needs to be changed too" he added.

"Just do what you can do today when he comes just tell him that his car needs to be fixed. If he complains just tell him to buy a new car" I told him and then left.

I went to my office afterward and do my paper works.

But before that, I check my phone first if BeYourLuve posted something.

It's been a while since he didn't post anything.

Since I started flirting with him if that's what you call that.

Can't hide my smile every time we talk to each h other.

We have the same work routine, the only difference is his day off.

I don't have a day off myself, I will work or not it doesn't matter.

The hours had passed so quickly that I didn't notice the time. And the work hour is already done a few hours ago.

My Daddy 💙
How's my Baby?

I sent a message to him because at this hour he is already at home.

He keeps on changing our names but I keep on changing them too. Until he gets tired of it and keeps it like that.

At first, I'm just teasing him about the Baby endearment thing, but I don't know. I feel like calling him a baby.

I didn't know what was wrong today because I didn't receive any response from him.

So I went outside to go home to feel disappointed in BeYourLuve for not responding but I found out that the light was still on at Bui's work spot.

I thought he only forgot to turn them off but I can hear him talking to someone, like arguing.

"You can have the shop number, why do you want my number?" I heard Bui scoff at someone.

"So I can contact you if my cars have done," said the other voice.

"Why me? I'm not the owner of this shop"

"But I like you,"

"What the hell, move away and Fuck you"

"I will do that if you want"

I walk to them and see a taller guy now moving forward to Bui.

To my surprise, he even grabs Bui and pins him to the car.

"Babe just give me what I want" the taller guy and grinding on Bui's.

My blood boils after seeing what he did. I took the long wrench in my hand and put it behind me.

"You fucker" Bui shouted and tried to get out of the guy's grip.

I pull the man and punch him hard in his ugly face and took the wrench behind me.

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