Chapter 37

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This is just a pure text of flirting..

Daddy 🖤
Hi baby, what are you doing?

Baby 💙
Just eating while chatting with you. 🤭

Daddy 🖤 Baby don't joke like that or I'm coming to get you right now

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Daddy 🖤
Baby don't joke like that or I'm coming to get you right now.

Baby 💙
Just kidding Babe. But no need to come because Us and Tong are already here. We are just waiting for Jj to come to pick us up. So enjoy your night too I guess.

Daddy 🖤
Baby, can I ask you something?

Baby 💙
Go ahead Babe, no need to ask.

Daddy 🖤
What if one day, I fall out of love with you? What are you going to do?

Baby 💙
Why are you asking that question now? Are you really falling in love with me? Please tell me the truth.

Daddy 🖤
Answer me first, baby. I want to know, please.

Baby 💙
If you fall out of love with me, I am going to find a way to bring it back. I will do anything for you to love me again.

Daddy 🖤
Thank you, baby and I am going to do the same for you. Cause I love you more than you know.

Baby 💙
But if you don't fall for me again. I will let you go even if I love you. I am not going to force myself on you anymore. But Babe please don't tell me you really fall out of love with me. 😢

Daddy 🖤
I'm not Baby, because I love you so so much. That's not gonna happen.

Baby 💙
I love you too Mr. Wichapas. You make me emotional before hanging out. I think I don't have the mood to go out now. And why are you not asking me those questions when I'm with you?

Daddy 🖤
Because I'm afraid to ask and your reaction baby.

Baby 💙
We've been dating for how many years and you are still afraid to ask me? What is this? If you want to ask another question later, ask me when I'm with you. I don't want to talk about this thing here.

Daddy 🖤
Don't be mad, please. I'm sorry Baby. 😘

Baby 💙
I'm not mad, I'm angry now. You make me angry Hmmmp.

Daddy 🖤
Just go and enjoy baby. Don't mind what I told you. And I'm sorry for ruining your mood. Hope this will make you feel better.

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