Chapter 43

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"STOOOOOP THE WEEEEDDING" said the guy behind Bui.

And my breathing stopped for a moment.

I and Bui were staring each asking who is he.

Everyone was also shocked because of that. And all their attention now is with him.

Now Bui was looking at me with an angry face. His beautiful smile was gone.

I didn't even know that guy. Why is he looking at me like that now?

Then another three-man came into the view shouting and chasing the other guy.

"Naphat Vikairungroj please stop right there," the guy doctor said. Then he asked the two guys with him wearing white scrubs suits to chase Naphat guy.

Then they started chasing him far away from us.

"Sorry for the interruption, that guy escaped from the mental institution

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"Sorry for the interruption, that guy escaped from the mental institution. And we've been looking for him everywhere. We are sorry"  the doctor apologized and even bow to us.

"I'm not crazy you are crazy" we can still hear the Naphat guy shouting while running away from us.

That guy scares the hell out of me. Now I can properly breathe after knowing that guy was just a crazy intruder.

Now everyone was laughing because of that.

"Start from the beginning," My dad said to Bui

So Bui needs to go to the back again.

I know, he feels the same way as I did at that moment.

Then the music plays again and now he is smiling again looking at me.

Even from far away, I can see his eyes with hearts on them.

"If only stare can melt like ice both of you evaporated already," my dad says and even nudge me.

Then Bui's dad also laughs at that comment by him.

"What a cheesy line, all I can hear from you before was Fuck off you stupid" Bui's dad say then they started laughing together.

"That was before, people changes you know." Now they keep changing some words but my attention now is on Bui because he is a few more steps from us.

Now my heart beats when crazy when he talks.

"Hi" he shyly said and I can see a tint of red on his cheeks.

Not gonna lie, I know even my face is red now.

"Now, Bib please take care of my baby Bui. If you break him, I will break you and your dad's dick" His dad told us.

"What the hell man, why did you even include me? Just cut his dick, not mine." My dad said while covering his crotch.

"Yes sir" I answered trying not to laugh at them.

"Now Bui, please take care of my son too. If you two break up, don't come to us. You are grown-ups now. You know what's wrong and right. And remember, even if you cannot carry a child. I still want grandchildren in the future." Then Bui's dad pulled my Dad with him.

"Your talking too much." I heard him say too.

So I took Bui's hand and went to the center of the aisle where we gonna do the wedding ceremony.

Both our hands were shaking and sweating.

"I think I don't need to ask the Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace," the officiant said smiling.

Now both of us chuckled because of that. I think he already knows what is our answer to that.

"Now we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Bib and Bui. "

(author: let's skip this boring part. Yaaay hahaha)

"Now you can say your vows, who will start first?"  The officiant ask and gave us the microphone.

"You go first," I asked Bui.

"Why me, it's supposed to be you," he murmured while squeezing my hand.

"I want to hear you first"  I pleaded with tantalizing eyes.

"Okay," he said pouting.

"Bib, thank you for accepting who I am. I know I am weird and that didn't bother you at all." Then he pauses and moves the mic away. "I will promise that after this day, I am only going to show that side of me when we are together and not by posting it anymore. Because am all yours, me, my heart, and my soul. I will love you for eternity. If reincarnation does exist, I will surely find you again. Because all I want is you and nobody else. As I promise before if ever I am falling out of love with you, I will find a way to bring that back. But you have to promise me too that you are not going to push me away and wait for my love to come back, please?" He said with tears in his eyes.

I know those are tears of happiness.

"I love you baby" I comforted before he burst out without hearing what I wanted to tell him.

"I can't help it, I'm happy and scared at the same time" he admitted.

"I know baby," I said and pulled him into a hug.

I waited for him for a bit to relax before I started my vows to him.

"Bui, I'm not a perfect guy but you accepted me too. I am also weird as you because I love the way you are baby. I love you so so much." I told him.

"That's all?" He asked me confused.

Then I took the paper from my pocket and gave it to him.

"What's this?" He asked me with a confused look.

"A poem, Read it for yourself, baby. I wrote that for you. And I don't want them to hear it. Because that's especially for you."

Then he open the paper and started reading it.

Another clip hanger... Yaaayyyyy 😅😆😁😉🙃🙂

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