Chapter 29

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"So, what now?" my dad asked Bib with his usual poker face.

We are all sitting now, and since he came I feel so nervous because it's been a long time since I didn't see him.

Me and Bib are looking down because both of us can't look at them in the eyes.

"Okey, you don't want to talk," my father said again so I nudge Bib under the table.

He seems like he's out of this world now. I don't know what's going on in his mind either.

"What?" he asked so I gestured for him to answer my dad.

"Sorry, what was that again?" he asked nervously.

I wanted to tell him "Now you know what it feels like meeting your Dad" I really wanted to voice it out but I refrain myself not to say it loud.

"So how long you've been dating?" my dad changed his question this time.

"Almost 7 months sir" he answered immediately

"Oh, still on the stage of getting to know." my dad stated. "Do you know what my son likes now?" he continued.

"Yes sir"

"Okey good, let's talk about the other things later." my father said again and turn to look at me but no expression at all.

"So bro, are you still in your drug business?" my dad turns to Bib's dad.

"Yup, how bout you, bro? How many people did you kill this time?" They are talking casually like that like we are not in front of them.

Me and Bib looked at each other shocked.

I don't know that my father is a criminal. And Bib's dad is a drug lord.

That is a big revelation for both of us.

"Your son is next in line if he cheats on my son," my dad said and even look at Bib then smirk.

I took Bib's hands which are now shaking under the table like mine.

I don't know how to react to this revelation of my father. I don't know if it's true or if they are just trying to scare us.

Should I turn over our dads to the cops now that we know the truth bout them? I asked myself confused.

"What do you say Bib," his father asked.

"Dad is it true?" he asked now looking hurt at his father.

"Just answer me first?" my dad interrupted.

"No I'm not going to cheat on him" he stated and even squeeze my hand.

"Okey good, so I am going to remove you from my list then," my dad said smiling.

"Bro let's take a bet like before," my father said in amusement.

"What?" Bib's dad looks so excited to ask.

"Whoever breaks up first needs to pay 5 million, deal?"

"No you can't do that" I interrupted them with a shout but they didn't even notice what I just say.

"Deal" and they even shake their hands to close their deal.

What the hell are they doing to us? Are we some kind of a toy to them now to make a bet?

"Dad, I don't know you are like this," Bib, said looking at his dad hurt.

"Now that you know our true color, what can you say about that?"

"Dad please tell us that you are kidding right now" he pleaded.

I know what is he feeling right now.

Scared and angry or more than that.

"No, we are not," they both said in unison and they even smirk at each other.

"Let's go," Bib said standing up and pulling me with him.

"Dad, all this time you are lying to me," he said gripping my hands trying not to burst his anger. I can feel that in his grip.

Then we walked out to the door and ready to leave.

But we heard them laughing before we can even close the door.

"We are just kidding, come back here" his Dad shouted.

"Bro, I know we can pass as an actor now" my dad also said clutching his stomach because he was laughing too hard.

"My stomach hurts," Bib's dad said too still laughing.

"So all this time, both of you are pranking us?" I said hurt because they didn't know how hurt I am right now.

Bib didn't say anything and just looked at them with disappointment.

"I hate our dad," he whispered to me.

"Same," I answered.

"So come back here now, I'm starving," my dad called us.

"No we are not staying anymore," I answered sulking.

How can they do this to us? I'm still hurt even if it's a prank.

"You should see your faces, I think I will ask them for the CCTV for a copy," now my dad started teasing us.

"Yes, maybe we can ask them now so we can watch it," 

"Both of you can you stop now" I shouted at them this time.

"Bui no shouting, your father-in-law is here, be polite," my dad said scolding me.

I was shocked at his statement.

"Dad, what father-in-law are you talking about?" I'm embarrassed by my father's statement.

But Bib looks so happy about it because he is giggling next to me.

"I didn't know your dad is crazy like my dad," he said in disbelief.

"Yes both crazy as fuck,"

"Now both of you get back to your chair or we are going to make our bet real. 5 million is big money you know." my dad said.

"Dad, you can't do that," I said feeling irritated, and went back to our chair.

I don't know whether to be happy or not.

I can't really believe them.

But the question now is, when did they plan to prank us and since when did my father know about me and Bib?

Because I only told my father that I want to introduce him to my friend.

How did he know that he is my boyfriend now?

And if Bib knows that I called him a friend to my father what is he gonna think of me?

I'm doomed.

I will try to update again later... I'm busy right now cause it's my second mom's birthday and I need to help them prepare everything.

Thanks for reading...

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