Chapter 17

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"GUMMY BEAR" shouted Jj outside.

I told him to wait for me in the car and now his here.

Doesn't he know the word wait?

So I went to the door and open it.

"What?" I ask him.

"Cupcake, our plan was canceled. Your brother called me," he said smiling.

"Why?" I said disappointed because he was going to treat me today.

"I don't know. I'm sorry sweetie pie, promise next time" he said and even pinched my cheeks.

"Hey, that hurts" I complained pushing his hands away.

"I'm sorry, bye," he said and walked away.

"Tell my brother to call me" I shouted.

"You should go home for once" I heard shout too.

"No" I whispered.

It's been a long time since I didn't go home. And I miss them too.

Especially, my dad, who hates me, but I still love him.

Maybe next time.

I closed the door and went to Bib again.

I saw him with his eyes closed.

"Where is your med kit?" I asked him.

"Bathroom, first drawer to the right," he answered without looking at me.

So I went to the bathroom and guess what,  another creepy quote.

"Stare in the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn’t there." I read out loud.

Then I'm having goosebumps everywhere.

"Why does he need to put those quotes in here," I said and look for the medkit hurriedly.

It's nighttime already, and I'm also scared of the dark.

I turn off the lights and I can't help but ro read the quotes again. Because he sticks it there with glow-in-the-dark paper.

I hurriedly went back to him.

"Sit properly," I told him and sat beside him then he looked at me.

"How am I going to clean your wounds when you're facing me," I told him because he was staring at me.

He turns his face around, and I'm facing his back now.

I started checking where the blood came from.

I caressed his hair gently, then I found it.
It's quite a big cut.

"Can you use your phone and turn on the flashlight?" I asked him and he followed suit.

I don't know why I peep when he's opening his phone.

I saw a cat as his screen saver.

"So you love cats?" I asked him and widened my eyes after realizing what I just asked him.

"His name is grey," he told me, I thought he's gonna say something like you're not supposed to look at someone's phone.

After turning his flashlight on he put his hand up to his head. But not exactly to where I want the light to stay.

So I hold his dirty hands and move closer to his head.

Then I started cleaning his wounds.

"Tell me if it hurts," I told him

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