Chapter 5

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❤️ Liked by Bsumone and othersBeYourLuve Summer short outfits were available in all sizes

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❤️ Liked by Bsumone and others
BeYourLuve Summer short outfits were available in all sizes. Please press the link below for more info. #feelingsexy #loveIt #whysaveofyoulikethem 😍


Jobylicious I want to buy one 😍
yoana_allen I need honey to give me money
CrislynDollete sugar daddy, you mean yoana_allen
Basssss First commentator? Really? And whose going to where that? Jobylicious
heureuse_jone the waistline 😍
DuraMerry I'm buying it asap
Soltine I like it, but I'm broke 😭
GangsTa can I untie the laces?
Zyra_mae28 it is better without the laces.
SuzakaKshatree sexy 😍
Jbleealjen I need money money money and more money
Nononodt No I'm not letting you do that GangsTa
biblebuildcrms I need a rich Daddy to give me some money....
HoneyMayLopez so damn sexy

It's so funny to read comments, but sometimes it's annoying too. Because my phone keeps on buzzing. So I need to turn off my notification bell.

Aside from this account, I also have a personal account that I am using.

I want to post my face too.

I wanted to change my account when someone caught my attention on Dm's. It's Bsumone who sent messages.

Hi, sorry if I disturb you, but can I ask you something?

What is it?

After sending the message, I put back my phone in my pocket.

When I looked at all of them, they are all looking at their phone.

They are all looking creepy, my boss is smiling ear to ear, and Bas and Job are glaring at each other, for I don't know the reason. Because they are okay when we are eating. Nodt and Ta are both smirking at their phones, maybe they are watching some porn on their phones, but I really don't care. Only Jeff doesn't look so suspicious to me. He just sits there and does nothing.

I took my phone out and checked my dm again.

I'm not the type who answers private messages but today was different.

Are you a girl or a guy?

Why they are always asking me this question?

I'm a guy


I replied to the message and just like that, after knowing what's my gender they gonna left me reading. And after knowing that I'm a guy they are not going to message me anymore.

I don't give a fuck about those people. If they hated or were disgusted by me wearing girls' clothes, then screw them all.

I'm not going to block whoever this guy or girl is.

Let's wait and see, I'm going to post again later. I am going to piss them off.

Then I put back my phone inside my pocket because the Bsumone ruins my day.

I want to go to the bathroom first before going back to work.

Then I saw my Boss talking on the phone nearby. And the rest of us I don't know where did they go.

After using the bathroom, I went to the car I'm fixing, I didn't see the rest of the guys there yet so I decided to go inside the car to rest.

I'm about to remove my trousers because I feel so hot.

"What are you doing" I didn't know that my boss followed me. And he also scared me when I see him leaning at the other of the car window.

"I want to rest" I answered quickly and look away.

"You can go rest at the rest house" I heard him say again.

"You have a rest house here," I asked confused be they didn't tell me.

"You didn't agree to stay in the accommodation, but you still can rest there with the others when you want to rest" I don't know why he is not being rude to me now.

But maybe he is just faking his true self toward me.

"If you are worried that they gonna disturb you, they won't. Because all of you have the room by yourself."

Wow, I didn't know that kind of treatment of employment does exist by now.

"Okey, show me then," I told him and went out of the car.

He take me to the back door and the 2nd floor I didn't know existed here.

He showed me one of the rooms that already has a mattress and sheet in there.

The room was simple and small but it doesn't matter, as long as I'm just staying there to rest.

"Don't forget to put an alarm on" he reminded me

"Okey, oh by the way when is my day off?" I asked him.

"I will check on my schedule first. Because I don't want all of you will take the day off in one day. I need people to work for me"  he explained.

"That's all and you can go," I told him, I even forgot that he is my boss for a moment.

And now he is looking at me seriously.

I just showed him my prettiest smile, I hope he will slide my rudeness.

"Be polite next time" he said and left.

Then when I was about to remove my trousers again, he enters the room without saying anything.

"I know I'm your employee, but can you please knock on the door when you come, and not just enter like that? You're invading my privacy now" I scolded him,

And I think he is not used to someone answering him as I do because he doesn't seem to be okay with it.

He looks like he is going to rip my head off now.

This mouth is making me into trouble now I scolded myself.

I move backward when I saw him walking towards me.

I keep on walking backward too and he keeps on doing the same.

When my back reaches the wall he also stops in front of me. Like our faces are only inch.

He put his hand on my side

Then I heard a clicking sound.

Now I can feel the air cooling.

Then he lean on my ear side and whispered something.

"If you don't want any trouble, you better keep that lips of yours shut, or else I will make them shut for you," he said and I have all goosebumps from my body.

I just randomly choose a name again. And I will do the same again next time.

Good night... Sorry for not updating my MacauChay, I will be back on the story again...

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