Chapter 27

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The next day

"Have you seen Bui, he said he's here but I did not see him anywhere" I asked Ta that are busy with the tires.

I came late because I waited for my father. After all, he wants to come with me and visit my shop at the same time.

"I saw his car in the parking lot, from the backside. I thought he went to your office, maybe he's still there" after hearing that I went to the parking lot to check on him if he's still there.

Yes, he is still in there inside his car. Head on the steering wheel.

So I knock on his window to let him know that I'm there.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked when he rolled down his window but he did not answer me.

He looks anxious to me, so I went to the other side of his car and get inside the car.

I took his hand and I felt that they are freezing. So I touch his forehead to check if he has a fever, but no. He's not sick at all. But he looks like he is going to pass out any minute.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked him worriedly and now I'm caressing his back. He put his head back on the steering wheel again.

"Can I go home?" he murmured

"Why? My dad wants to meet you?" I told him nicely because I don't want to scare him now.

"That's why I wanted to go home" His voice is like a kid's now.

"Baby, don't be scared. He's a nice dad" I feel pity for him now.

So this is why he looks anxious because he's scared of my dad.

"I'm skipping today's work," he said again and look at me pouting.

"Baby" he's acting like a real baby now.

"What if your dad doesn't like me?" now he's looking at me with sad eyes and he pouts even more.

"You're so cute you know that?" I told him while smiling while caressing his cheeks.

"I'm serious here, and you are just making fun of me," now he is glaring at me.

"Let's go found out if he likes you or not," I told him and went down his car.

I open his door and now, he looks so pale.

"You have to face my dad if you really like me," I challenge him to see his reaction.

"Okey fine, but if he will say anything to me against you. I don't know, I can't promise to say anything to him" he said and he storm out of his car walking faster and he even forgot to lock his car.

So I did it instead of him.

But when he reached the front door of my office, he stopped there like he saw a ghost.

I saw him taking a deep breath while holding the door knob. I thought he was going to open it but, no.

"Okey, I can't do it," then he turned to walk away again so I grabbed his shirt to stop him.

"We are already here," I told him and I opened the door instead and pulled him inside with me.

"Hi dad," I said to my dad so he will notice our presence because his busy on his phone.

Then I saw him trying to hold his laugh.

I wanted to ask him, but when I turned my gaze to Bui. I wanted to laugh too, but I need to hold it for now.

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