Chapter 39

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I was busy internalizing what is going to happen today in my apartment when Nodted call me.

I'm already expecting his call since this morning. Because today is the day Bib is going to propose to me.

I'm so excited and scared at the same time, but I need to control my emotions before that happens.

Because he plans all of this for his proposal to me.

I need to act like I don't know anything, but at the same time, I'm planning on something else too. Thanks for Job, my accomplice.

"Bui, we have bad news for you, it's Bib," he said when I answered my phone.

"What happened to him?" I reacted so quickly because of the help of my internalization a while ago.

"You have come over here in his apartment before it's too late. Bui, you have to hurry up" he said again.

I know that nothing really happens to him because that's part of his plan. But I don't know I still feel hurt thinking of him being in pain.

"Okey I'm coming over now," I said and quickly look at myself in the mirror and go.

I didn't know I'm driving too fast today because, in the span of 15 minutes, I'm already at his apartment building. It's supposed to be a half an hour drive to my apartment till here.

Maybe I'm just so excited to see him and to see his reaction later too.

I didn't need to use my key because Job is already waiting for me outside.

"Here, I hope he didn't notice that I took the ring inside when I'm helping him" He whispered to me and handed me the ring that Bib was supposed to give me later.

When he noticed Ta came, he acted like he is hugging me.

"Bui, don't be too shocked when you saw him," He said a little bit louder so Ta can hear it. We don't want him to get suspicious of us and he is also pretending that he's crying.

I think internalization really helps me a lot, he looks so funny at that moment but I didn't even smile for a single bit.

"Take me to him," I told him.

Ta also came to me patting my shoulder, showing his sympathy for me.

Then they take me to our bedroom, where Bib and the rest of the guys are.

After seeing Bib lying on our bed with so many bruises on his face and arms. I know those are just makeup, but they look so real to me after seeing them. They even put in some apparatus to make it even more realistic.

My tears fall without realizing it. Imagining him in that situation makes me feel so sad.

It really hurts thinking what if this is real? What am I going to do?

"What happened? And why did you tell me just now?" I asked them shouting after facing them all.

Even Job doesn't have an idea, how I am going to act in this. He also flinched after I shouted.

"He just want to go to you, but they hit his car and we still don't know if he can wake up or not. Please calm down" Jeff said to me with a sad face.

Why all of them are good at acting now?
Now I'm doubting myself what if this is real now and not a prank proposal anymore?

"Calm down? You think I can calm down after seeing him like that?" I asked them hurt.

I don't know what happened to my emotions now. I'm also being carried away.

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