Chapter 11

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I got up quickly because of that weird dream I had

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I got up quickly because of that weird dream I had.

I'm dreaming of myself and my boss kissing each other and in that dream, I'm enjoying it.

I held my head because I'm having a headache from drinking last night.

Why did I even drink so much, such a stupid decision?

I opened my eyes and see my surroundings.

Then I remembered everything after seeing where I am. That kiss is not a dream at all.

And last night we even sleep on the sofa together.

If only the floor could swallow me right now. Or even there is a spell I can use to disappear.

Even if my head is hurting, I tried to stand up to sneak out before he sees me. Because I don't want to face him yet.

My heart is thumping because of mixed emotions. I feel like I have all the emotions inside me right now.

I am happy because finally, my lip is not a virgin anymore.

Sad, because I want my first kiss to be the guy I like and not some random person. And that some random person is my boss.

Mad at myself because why did I even initiate the 2nd kiss I will admit he is a good kisser even if it's my first time.

I wanted to scold myself because of what happened. Why I am being so careless? This is Bsumone guy's fault.

Now I'm blaming the guy who doesn't know anything about it.

I look at the table where I put my phone and see a note there.

Good morning 😊

Just take a rest if you don't feel well. I'm going to the shop first. Just lock the apartment after you leave. And bring the key to my office when you come back to work.

Don't forget to go to the kitchen.


Now I can finally breathe properly after knowing that he is not in his apartment anymore.

I don't need to feel nervous, so I lay back down on the sofa and grab the cover we used last night.

Thinking about last night, my heartbeat quickened again.

I touch my lips and it feels like they become thicker. So I got up again and went to the bathroom.

What I saw in the mirror shocked me.

I have some small hickeys on my neck, then when I pull down my shirt.

"Fuck, when did I change into a shirt?" now my headache is becoming more intense.

I can't remember when did I change my clothes.

"Did he change me?" I wanted to cry because of embarrassment.

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