Chapter 31

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This chapter is a Flashback where Bib and Mr. Peter Bui's dad meet up for the second time around.

After our meet-up, his dad called me again, because he wants to talk to me privately.

This time we didn't meet outside, in fact, he asked me to come to their house.

"Have a sit" he told me. We didn't stay inside the house, but he ask me to go outside their garden.

"So how are your relationship with Bui doing?" he asked after both of us sat down

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"So how are your relationship with Bui doing?" he asked after both of us sat down.

"We are doing great sir, no problems at all" I honestly answered, because that's true.

"Good to hear that, so how did found out about my son's BeYourLuve account?" he asked me and I've got shocked after hearing him.

I thought he doesn't know about Bui's account.

And how did he even know that I know about that account? His dad is giving me goosebumps now.

I scratch my head because for me it's kind of not interesting at all.

"He made a mistake on his hashtag sir. That time I'm searching on that hashtag too, then I saw his legs" I wanted to scold myself about the last word I said. Why do I need to add that I saw his legs?

You are such an idiot, my mind said scolding myself.

I hope his dad won't get mad at me now.

"So, are you okay with my son wearing those clothes?" he asked me again, with a serious tone.

"Yes sir, I told him nothing is wrong with that. As long as he is happy with it, he can do anything he wants." now I'm crossing my finger on my side hoping that he will accept my answer. And he won't ask me a further question.

"You know, I'm not really against him wearing them. Because I want him to be happy. But the thing is the other people's eyes and mouths. We are all not the same. I'm also hurt if someone is criticizing him because of that." now I can feel the sadness in his voice while stating those words.

"I know Bui hates me for what I did to him, for not letting him wear those. But I need to be tough, just to protect him from those judgemental eyes. But he is so stubborn." he continued.

"Let me correct you, sir, Bui doesn't hate you at all. He's only hurt but he can't hate you at all." I explained to him, I hope the hate words will cross out of his mind now.

"Have you noticed that he doesn't have any bashers in his account?"  he asked me this time.

"Yes sir," because that's true I can't see any bad comments in his account.

"Because I pay someone to monitor his account. If they see bad comments I told them to block them out quickly." I'm so happy to hear this from his Dad now.

Knowing that he is still protecting his son without his knowledge.

If Bui will hear this, he will be more than happy. And maybe that also helps them become closer again.

"No need to tell him what I told you. I'm only telling you this because if you dare say something hurtful to him, I'm not going to hesitate to do something bad to you. Even if your dad was a close friend of mine. I am going to forget about what we are."

"No sir, I have no intention of hurting your son. My feelings for him are very sincere. So you can assure me that I'm not going to hurt his feelings." I'm blubbering words now because of nervousness.

"That's what I want to hear from you," he said smiling. "That's why I called your father to come back because I wanted to meet you,"

"Sir, what do you mean?" now I'm more than curious about my father and him.

"I need to investigate who is my son's commentators. And you are one of them, when I saw your information, I called your dad immediately to inform him about you and my son."

Now everything is clear to me, why my dad came without notice.

"I thought Bui won't talk to me anymore. But because of you, he did. He asked me to come and meet his friend." he even laughed.

"Friend?" I really can't believe he said that to his father.

"Yeah, I know he is just too shy to admit that you are already his boyfriend. He and Mile are the same. They are shy to admit what they felt about their lovers but they are very protective or should I say very possessive to you."

Now I'm smiling about thinking of him being possessive of me.

I took the glass of juice next to me because I can't hide my smile from his dad.

"Have you done it?" his father asked me then I choked on the juice I'm drinking. And It went straight on my nose and its sting.

Why does he need to ask me that question now?

"No sir we didn't. I respect your son, that's why I didn't ask him to do it yet." I said coughing and blushing at the same time.

"What are you even thinking young man? I'm asking if you went to the temple and merit together. But it's good to know that nothing happens yet." He said laughing at me now.

I'm really embarrassing myself to his father now.

If only I can disappear at this moment I did it already.

"Just enjoy being together now, no need to rush everything."

"Yes sir" I whispered because my throat/was hurting from the juice earlier.

"I'm not gonna ask you not to break his heart, but I am going to ask you to please take good care of him while you are together. Because there is no perfect relationship, there will always be struggles that come on your way."

"No worries sir, I will take good care of him and I will try not to hurt him too."

"Good, Thank you for coming, and I will hold on to your words. I hope we can talk again next time."

"Just give me a call sir and I will come to visit you, maybe I can come with Bui too." I'm still a bit shy and nervous but not like when we first meet.

"Yes, I'm more than happy if you bring him here. The house misses him so much." Now I can the sadness in his father's eyes.

I hope I can make them talk again.

"So, I think I need to go, sir."

"Okey, just let me know if something happens to my son"

"Yes sir I will"

"Just drop the sir, you can call me dad from now on"

This story is supposed to end in chapter 30, but I don't know what happened. 😂

I'm enjoying writing because of you(readers). 😍

Thank you so much for the 30k read. 😘

Good night/morning. ☺️

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