Chapter 15

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"Remove your hands now," I said sternly to Jj my brother's best friend after closing the door.

I don't know why is he here right now.

The last time I saw him, I don't really care because he was not that important to me. Just only a bit I think.

"Okie fine cupcake," he said again.

"When are you going to stop calling me that name?" he's so annoying for real.

We both sat on the bed I'm occupying since I started working there.

I bring some extra cover and pillow too because I don't like their plain and boring bed cover.

"When your special someone told me to stop, then that's the time I will not call you those names anymore" he's been calling me that like name since I was in secondary.

He's kind of nice like a big brother to me, he help me too when I was still studying, but the only thing I don't like.

He's so annoying. He calls me whatever he likes to call me, especially in public places.

My brother even asked him if he likes me, but he said he doesn't like me like that.

It's good to know because I don't like him either.

"Soon" I whispered, but I'm not really sure why did I even say soon.

"Soon? Really? So who is this guy?" he asked excitedly.

"Don't change the subject here. You're not gonna come here if you don't have anything to ask." I said and even raised my left eyebrow at him.

"So, hmmm," he said looking at me like he was debating whether to tell me or not what is his purpose coming all the way here.

I know he's a busy person.

"So what P'J?" I asked again, but this time I need to raise my voice a little bit.

Even if I'm younger than him, he sometimes is scared of me.

"Don't call me PJ, it sounds like Pajama to me" he said annoyed.

He doesn't want to be annoyed, but he likes annoying me. It's not fair.

"Then why are you here?" I asked again.

The only thing that I like is that he is here because he is distracting me about my stupid Boss and his girlfriend.

I don't know, I feel like I'm being betrayed seeing them together.

Now I remember Bib and me kissing again.

"Erase, erase, erase" "I chant like crazy while wiping the air on top of me like there is something in there.

"Sweetie, what are you doing?" Jj asked me in disbelief. But I'm not minding what he is calling me right now.

"Focus, Focus," I said to myself and took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Something is bothering you I see," he said.

"Just tell me why are you here, and why you even bring flowers and a teddy bear," I said disgustedly.

"Peace offering, for annoying you," he told me.

"So you know that you are annoying, why don't you stop then?"

"Because you're cute, and you know that" he even winks at me.

"Ewww stop doing that. You are creeping me out" I told him and hit him with the pillow.

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