Chapter 23

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It's been 2 days since I didn't go to work.

And it's been 2 days since I didn't talk to my fucking boyfriend.

That day, I storm out and went back to my apartment.

I didn't block him so he can see what I am doing. But I restricted the comment section so he can't say anything in there.

I'm receiving tons of messages and calls from him since that day. But I didn't answer one of them.

I hate this feeling of jealousy.

I miss him but I'm still angry at him.

I'm still hurt because why does he need to flirt with someone in front of me like that?

Am I not enough? or is there something missing from me that he needs to find in someone else arms?

Thinking of it is so frustrating.

Why can't he just say it to me so I know what am I doing? He knows that I'm new to this kind of relationship. And I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing now.

"Bui, why is your face still like that?" my brother asked me for the nth time now.

Today is his birthday and we are here in his apartment. I suppose to introduce him to my brother today but he ruined it.

"Don't mind me" I said sulking on the sofa.

"My boyfriend and his friend are coming now, so better look for your behavior Bui. I don't like that kind of attitude you are showing me right now" he told me.

"I know" I whispered because if I argue with him, We're gonna end up debating things.

"By the way, when are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend," he asked seriously.

"How did you know?" I asked him shocked.

"Jj told me"

"That annoying friend of yours, why can't he just shut up his mouth," I said in annoyance.

"So when are you going to introduce me to him," he asked me again.

"I'm not going to introduce you to him," I said starting to get mad again after remembering him.

"Why, what did he do to you? Is that why you are not in a good mood since you came?" you can notice in his voice now that he is also mad.

I didn't say anything and just stay still.

"Bui, just tell me if he hurt you and I can break his neck for you," he said being overprotective of me.

"If you kill him, then I don't have a boyfriend anymore," I said pouting.

"I just want to give him a lesson"

"Giving him a lesson by breaking his neck?" I asked him sarcastically.

"Why not, it's just a one-time experience. So he will remember till his last breath." my brother is kind of scary when it comes to me.

Jj admits that the one who bullied me before when I was studying ended up in the hospital for many days.

So I'm kind of scared for Bibs now.

"No, I'm not letting you do that to him" now my protecting his ass from my brother now.

"Why, you like him that much, even if he hurts you?"

"If I say yes, what are you gonna do?"

"If you are happy with him then I will let him live, but if I heard and see you crying because of him. Let me tell you now, even if you love him that much. I am going to kill that guy." he said cracking his neck and hands.

"Is that a treat?" I know he's not joking at all.

But our conversation stopped when the doorbells ring.

"I think they are here," he said now smiling ear to ear.

I think my brother is really in love with his boyfriend.

"Come in" I heard my brother say but I stay sitting where I was.

But when I turn my gaze to his visitors, all the feelings came back at once.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked them angrily after seeing them.

"Bui, where are your manners?" my brother asked me and even glared at me.

I didn't say anything and just glared at them, I don't want to ruin my brother's birthday but their presence is kind of pissing me off.

"This is Apo my boyfriend" my brother introduces the guy with Bib.

He lends his hands to shake hands but I just tap them.

"Hello cheater," I said sarcastically.

"Bui" my brother called me with a death glare.

"Don't you know that your boyfriend is cheating on my boyfriend?" I said to my brother looking at them hurt.

"Bui, talk and sort everything with Bib," my brother told me this time.

"How did you know about him?" now I look like a lost cat.

"Bib, we are leaving. And if you hurt my brother, you know what I can do" my brother warned Bib.

"Where are you going?" I asked confused now.

"Sorry for pranking you Bui, by the way, I'm Apo. Take care of my best friend" he said then both of them left us.

"Bui, I'm sorry okay? I didn't me to do it." Bib said trying to please me.

"How did you know my brother?" I asked him instead of answering what he just said.

"He's our regular customer, and he even told me to accept you when you send your application form to me" he admitted.

"So all this time, you know who I am? But you didn't even tell me?" now I'm more hurt because he lied to me again.

"I didn't mean to hide it. Please forgive na"

"Forgive you?" I said hurt, he hold my hand but I pushed him away.

"Bui, I'm sorry for not telling you," he told me and try to come close to me.

"So you accepted me not because I'm qualified for that job, but because of my brother?" I asked him feeling disappointed in him.

"Yes" he didn't even lie about it and that hurts me even more

"So now that I know the truth, you can fire me any time you like," I told him and it hurt me so much

"Bui, I can't do that Baby please forgive," he said pleading.

I want to stay angry at him, but why does my heart need to miss him that much after getting close to him now?

"Baby I don't like what's happening to the both of us now. And I miss you so much"

He try to hold my hands again, but I didn't push him this time instead I pulled him into a big hug.

Let's finish this book.... 🙈

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