Chapter 34

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"Should I break up with him?" I asked Tong that is now annoyed by my question.

Because this is the nth time I asked him this question.

"It's up to you, but don't call me in the middle of the night crying and saying I missed him so much hu hu hu." he even copied me like the other day I did that to him.

It's been 5 days since I didn't see him or talked to him.

I'm still hurt, but I will admit that I miss him already. I'm also afraid that if I will see him now, I am going to forgive him that quickly.

Am I that easy if I forgive him?

This heart of mine is the problem. Why did I fall for him that hard?

Now that I think of it, I never said I love you to him. And even him, he didn't even say those words to me.

I don't know if he feels the same way as I do about him.

"What did you send him last time?" I asked Tong worriedly.

Because since he came to comfort me. He didn't let me hold my phone for a while. He said to avoid those circumstances between me and him.

"I told him not to come here for the meantime because you are still hurt. But are you really hurt?" he asked me with doubt on his face.

"Yes and I don't know," I told him cause I'm also confused with my feelings right now.

"What do you want me to do then?" he asked me this time but now he looks so bored being with me these days.

I think he's fed up with my attitude too.

I call him that day and he came as soon as possible.

I know I'm being bad to him sometimes but now he's here with me being nice. Helping me catch up with my broken heart.

I'm so lucky that I have a Friend like him. He didn't live my side till now.

Us also came, but he needs to work.

"Can you call him for me, and ask him if he is okay?" I asked him shyly.

"Call him if you want," he told me and even give me my phone.

But I'm scared to talk to him. I don't know what words I'm gonna say.

"Just call him for me please" I tried to please him.

"Okey," he said being serious, and then dialed my phone.

I closed my eyes and lean back on the sofa again while waiting for him to talk.

"Speaker mode please," I told him because I also want to hear his voice. Then my heart started beating fast.

"The number you have dialed is in the arms of someone else now. Please don't call the number and disturb them again," he said very seriously like a real call center agent.

"What the hell Tong" I burst out and even got up from the chair upon hearing those words from him, I got scared for a moment.

I thought it was real.

"Did you really call him?" I wanted to scold him because he was messing around with me.

"Okey, this is for real now," he said again and dialed my phone for the 2nd time.

"The number you have dialed doesn't love you anymore. Please refrain where you are and stay away from him forever and ever."

"Give me my phone now," I told him angrily and grabbed my phone from him.

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