Chapter 18

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"Stop messing around with me," he said and I saw his eyes were glistening.

I move closer to him and hold his hand.

"It's me, Bsumone," I told him.

"Since when did you know I am BeYourLuve?" he said and bow down his head.

"My apartment, you told me. I know you don't remember, but you said it"

He pushed my hand away and stand up ready to leave but I pulled his hand and don't let go.

"Bui please don't go," I asked him

"Why?" he shouted at me. "For all this time? Why you didn't tell me" and now his tears were falling.

I pulled him into a hug.

"I wanted to tell you the truth, since that day. But that Jj came and ruined everything" I explained to him. And I'm hoping that he will believe me for that.

"I hate you," he said hurt.

"Please, I'm sorry," I told him and tighten my hug.

He didn't say anything and cried more. He even clutches my shirt.

I think I hurt his feelings this much.

"Baby please, don't cry." I even kiss his hair.

"I really hate you," he said again while sobbing.

"Bui, I'm really sorry" I keep on repeating those words to him until he forgives me.

When he stopped crying, I asked him to sit down. He followed suit but his cry didn't stop.

Then he looked at me and push on the sofa he straddle and punched me in the face.

Then he keeps on hitting me on my chest.

The wounds started hurting but I didn't mind it at all. Seeing him crying like this hurts me more.

I grabbed his arms and pulled him into a hug again but tighter this time so he can't move and hit me again.

"Baby please, enough," I pleaded this time.

"Please? You lied to me" he started moving again because he wants to get out of my grip.

"I didn't mean to. I want to tell you so badly that day. And Kitty knows that too"

"Even your girlfriend knows that I'm BeYourLuve?" he asked and started bawling again.

"He's not my girlfriend, why is everyone saying that?" I asked confused.

"Why you didn't tell me?" he pushed me harder this time, so I let go of my hug and now his hitting me again on my chest.

"My head," I told him but he keeps on hitting me.

"I really hate you" he keeps on repeating.

"Okey fine just hate me, but please stop hitting me."

"I hate you much" he didn't hit me this time, but what shocked me is, he was hugging me now.

"Baby" I called him

"Don't baby me you fucker" he said and even tighten his hug.

I want to ask him now why is he suddenly hugging me.

I'm happy but he's also confusing me.

Then my phone rang.

He removed his hug from me and took my phone under me. I thought he's gonna give it to me but he answered it.

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