Chapter 2

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Name: Bib Wichapas Sumettikul but you can call me whatever you want.

Age: 29 next year

Born: December 25, 1994

Place: Chiang Mai USA.

Occupation: Owner of VP Auto shop and Cars Showroom

Sex: 3 times a day if you can. It depends on your energy, I mean I'm a Male

Marital Status: Single and ready to mingle

Talent: make you cry, laugh, and moan at the same time.

Now that you know who I am, no need to ask more questions because I'm busy.

Yes like, busy all day tapping my finger and stalking this account this past few days, I mean a week ago.

Because this customer of mine wants me to look for new tires for him. He asked me to look on social media and now I ended up making a new account to stalk someone.

It's not my job to look for him a new tire but why did I even say yes to him that day? And now I've been waiting for this account to upload on I.G again.

If you are wondering what I saw and ended up following that account is this.


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❤️ Liked by Ojangsky13 and others

BeYourLuve I'm #sleepy I'm #hungry I'm #tires
See all comments
Leeyunzhu 😍❤️🥰
Melo4BBB sexy as always
zyra_mae28 I'm jealous
riyabyul life is so unfair
Melo4BBB how to be this sexy? Arrgghh
yoana_allen please, face reveal
CrislynDollete been waiting for that for ages yoana_allen
Ojangsky13 fuckable
Jobilicios Babe check your inbox, please
Kpunk Holy Molly Guacamole, this is freaking hot
Bassss shut up Jobilicios

Now you know why I decided to make a new account to stalk this account. Who can resist those legs, damn they are so hot, looks so soft and squeezy.

I even commented on it with an emoji heart before but I deleted it.

I'm not into those kinds of things but this account changes me.

After seeing those legs, I even got a boner that day.

What the hell is wrong with me? I'm like a pervert now because I even look at the picture while masturbating. Fuck why did I even say that? This is embarrassing now.

"Bib, Bass, and Job are fighting again," one of my employers said interrupting me imagining those legs again.

"I'm going to fire this two if they didn't stop arguing," I said and hurriedly walked where they were assigned.

"What are you fighting again?" I shouted at them just to make sure they can hear me.

"Nothing," Bas told me, but he was looking at Job with angry eyes.

"Both of you, leave your problems in your room, or else I will fire the both of you" I warned them again.

The truth is, I can't fire them because I don't have many employees yet.

"If I saw commenting on the account again, you know what I can do," Bass said sternly

"Oh my gosh, it's just a comment. Why are so jealous?" said Job trying to argue again.

"It's just a comment, you are even calling him Babe. What is that, you can't even call me that" now Bass is ranging.

"Enough" I shouted back again. "Both of you go back to your room and fix your problem. Now" I said, I know they are a couple but, this is not right anymore. They are always like this, fighting and making up.

Being in a relationship is complicated, and this is why I don't like it.

I want to focus on my job and only my job.


I quickly took out my phone and check it.
I thought they posted again, it's been a week since the account didn't post anything.

It's just a message from one of our customers. Reminding me that he is coming to pick up his car.

I just type okay and put back my phone inside my pocket.

I went back to my office and check my emails if there was any application form submitted.

Finally, I received one today.

I checked his details and his last name sounds familiar to me.

I look at the logbook I had on my table and checked if there were any last names in there.

It's one of our regular customers Mile Romsaithong Puttha (so I'm using Mile and Bui's last name)

He is also the boyfriend of one of my one and only annoying friends Apo.

I bring my phone again and dialed Mile's number.

"Hello man, any problem?" he asks when he answers my call.

"I'm just wondering if you are related to Bui Jakapan Puttha?" I asked him directly.

"He's my brother, why?" he asked

"He sends me an application a while ago. Can you give me some advice, should I accept him or not?" I asked him, just in case he can give me tips on what kind of brother he has.

"He is a hard worker, but in a different field," he said with a bit of disappointment

"Okey then, I'm not going to accept him"

"Can you just accept him for me? I know him well, he is not going to ask for help from me even if he is already broke"

"But what if I don't like his performance?"

"Then just fire him or maybe give him a second chance?" He said in confusion

"Okey man, I will let you know when he comes. I will send him notice to come over for an interview." I told him

"Okey man, thanks for informing me. I will go and talk to him too."

"No problem man. Okay, see yah man bye" I told him and hang up the phone call.

So for those who commented on me, as you can see that I used your name.. I hope you don't get mad at me. Because I don't want to think of user names anymore, it saves me from thinking about using yours though.

I'm going to do this again next time, so don't be surprised if you saw your name here.

But if you don't like me using your name, just say it. 😬🥰😘

Thank you a have a nice weekend...

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