Chapter 42

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❤️ Liked by Bsumone and othersBeYourLuve Almost there

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❤️ Liked by Bsumone and others
BeYourLuve Almost there... Bsumone #happiness #wedding #BibandBui

Bsumone I want to see you now... ☺️
BeYourLuve 30 minutes more left.

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❤️ Liked by Bui_Bui and others Bsumettikul I'm ready

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❤️ Liked by Bui_Bui and others
Bsumettikul I'm ready... Bui_Bui are you?

Bui_Bui Big Yes 😘
APO credit to the photographer and that's me.
MILE Just come outside APO what are you even doing there?
APO none of your business MILE 😋 stay where you are. I'm mad at you. 🙄
SATUR You look cool in this photo.
APO he's just pretending SATUR his hands are sweating and he almost trips over because he can't concentrate😂
Bsumettikul Why do you need to say it APO why can't you keep your mouth shut?
Nodted He always like that when Bui_Bui is next to him. He doesn't know what is he doing.
Basvpr You have to understand when people are in Love. Nodted
_Job_ Like me to you Basvpr 😍 I'm always clumsy when you are around ☺️
_Ta_ where are you? Nodted
Nodted In your heart _Ta_ ☺️
Bui_Bui I'll pretend that I didn't see this. Now I'm more eager to see you. 🤭

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