Chapter 19

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After eating, we both lean on the sofa. I feel so stuffed because I eat too much.

After knowing that he is Bsumone, I'm kind of scared, excited, and let's just say I'm having mixed emotions.

Then when he told me that Kitty is not his girlfriend, I'm very happy for some reason.

I don't hate him as I said to him earlier. I'm just hurt because he hides to me the truth.

Then I remember all the messages we shared. I'm embarrassed now because I even flirted with him. Remembering sending him those flirty photos makes me want to disappear at that moment.

"Bui, can we talk now?" he asked seriously this time.

I'm kind of nervous now, and I don't know what he thinks of me.

"Do they know, about me too?" I asked him without looking at him because I'm afraid and nervous at the same time.

"Why do I need to tell them?" he asked me too.

"Now that you know that part of me, are you not disgusted about it?" I asked him again the same question I asked him before.

"No, I'm not. I'm just surprised"

"Surprised for what? A guy like me wearing those fucking girly skirts and shorts?" I said feeling hurt because I remember my father telling me that those are only for girls and not for me to wear.

He didn't answer me.

"I knew it, all of you are the same," I told him and even glared at him.

"Bui, I'm not please believe me," he said.

"Believe you for what?" I can't control the pitch of my voice now because I'm being emotional.

"You are not disgusting, I found you cute and sexy. Like I always told you when we talked on chat."

"Yeah because you don't know me yet. Now that you know me."

"It's been a week Bui since I know you are like that. Did I tell to anyone?"

"Yes, you did. You even told Kitty about me, so don't say that you didn't tell anyone else." 

"Yes because she's the only one I can tell what's happening to me. What I truly felt about you" he burst out.

I look at him confused.

"Feel about me? What do you mean by that?" I even pointed at myself.

"Yeah, I started liking you since that day."

"Don't lie to yourself, you don't like me at all." I insisted, no he just trying to say that because he knows I'm angry at him.

"Bui" he holds my hand this time. "Please believe me"

"I don't know," I told him, I don't why I'm being scared now that someone is liking me knowing that I'm like this.

"Please just give me a chance," he asked me.

My heart goes wilder now he said to me to give him a chance.

What If he is lying, and in the end, he will tell everyone that I'm behind BeYourLuve to everyone.

Fuck why I'm so careless.

"I don't know" I'm confused now, I know I like him too.

But this feeling I have right now is scaring me.

"Bui, if you are thinking that I'm going to tell them no. I'm not that kind of person."

I didn't answer him because I don't know how to answer him.

I need to think deeply.

"Please just give me a chance to prove myself. And please tell me what's on your mind. So I know what I am doing."

"I'm scared that's the truth. I hurt many times, because of the word they are throwing at me. I'm scared to enter into a relationship because I know I will end up being hurt because I'm weird." I blurted out and my tears started to fall.

He pulls me into a hug.

"Being weird is fine. I'm also weird because I like someone like you" he said trying to comfort me.

I keep on crying again, I don't know where my tears come from. Because I already cried earlier.

"You don't understand," I told him sobbing in his arms.

"I understand what you feel. Just give me time to prove to you that I like it, then if you don't feel the same way. Just say it."

I cried again because of his words.

I want to tell him that I like him, but then I realize that I told him already before. I think he forgot about it.

"I forgot, you told me already that you like your first kiss right?" he said chuckling.

Now he's teasing me and now blushing hard while crying.

Don't imagine that because it looks so awful.

I pinched his side instead.

"Ouch that hurts" he complained.

"I hate you," I told him.

"I know," he said caressing my back

Then I remember the time. I pushed him away and check my phone. It's already one in the morning.

"Fuck, I need to go home," I said hurriedly.

"Bui" he called me.

I look at him waiting for him to continue.

"Please can you think about what I just told you"

"For what?" I asked him. Now I'm becoming forgetful.

"Give me chance" he pleaded.

"If I unblocked you yes. If not, I will send you my resignation letter."

"What, you can't resign like that. Please even if you don't accept me, don't resign." he was shocked because of what I told him.

"Then I'm leaving," I told him.

"You can stay, no need to go home it's already late," he told me.

"I don't have any extra clothes with me"

"I have it here, and you can stay in my room if you're uncomfortable in your room"

"No need, I need to think for my answer too"

"Are you sure going?"

"I have work tomorrow"

"No need to come, just come back when you are okay, but please think carefully, I want to court you, Bui,"

"Okey" then when I'm at the door he called me again.

"Bui, I'm sorry," he said and kiss me.

The last update for today I think....

Thanks for the 11K read muahugs....

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