Chapter 10

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"You live by yourself in here?" Bui asked me after entering my living room

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"You live by yourself in here?" Bui asked me after entering my living room.

"Not really, as you can notice that I live in the shop. My life is in there and not here" I told him the truth.

"So you only come here when you feel like it?" he asked me again looking around.

"Your place is nice," he said smiling at me.

My heart beating quickened in a second when he looked at me like that

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My heart beating quickened in a second when he looked at me like that.

I turn my gaze to my side because I can't hold his gaze for long.

"Feel at home," I told him and went to the kitchen, but when I looked at him from my side view and I plastered a smile on my face when I saw him lying flat face on my sofa.

"Cute" I whispered and continued walking to my bar counter.

"What do you prefer?" I ask him again because I don't know what kind of drinks he likes.

"Surprise me" I heard him.

I took the red wine with me, 2 glasses, and place them on the table.

"You're not into drinking hard liquor I see," he said

"I am, but I don't wanna get drunk with a guy with me," I said just to tease him.

"As if you gonna do something on me," he said back challenging me.

I chuckle and sat beside him, not close but just one seat apart.

I opened the wine and pour then into our glass and gave them to him.

"Try if you don't like it, I can bring a new one" he drinks a little just to taste.

"This is good," he said and drank it all in one go.

"Are you going to get drunk, just tell me so I can give you a hard one" I told him surprised.

"I'm not really into drinking, I'm just a little upset about someone," he said and ask for more.

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