Ch. 10

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I was beginning to think maybe I was never going back.

Every night I laid my head on my pillow and drifted off – or was completely consumed by exhaustion – to sleep, expecting to eventually arise in my shared apartment and "real" life. Yet every morning, I woke up in the same bed, in the same room here at headquarters, literal worlds away from my beloved roommate and far less-enjoyed day job. I'd tried everything I could think of: envisioning my inevitable return, chanting some thrown together halfhearted mantras, even pinching myself or inflicting other minor discomfort (a la 'pinch me, I'm dreaming') all to no avail. Although in the spirit of transparency, I wasn't exactly giving my efforts everything I had.
I'd thought about going home, sure, but I think it was more so that I could be mentally prepared for it to happen rather than having the rug pulled out from under me in the midst of my otherwise 'good' time. For being in a world riddled with giant man-eating monsters, I would say I was faring well enough. Sure, it had more than its own set of unique challenges, but despite these, I was forming meaningful relationships and playing a role made available to me to aid their cause, which I was obviously more than happy to do. I was being worked to my limits physically, mentally, and emotionally but oddly enough, it was the most I'd felt alive in a long time; far superior than the autopilot I now see I'd fallen into back home.

Hange and I had gotten right to work making the most of our remaining time together, knocking out multiple projects they'd set their sights on before my departure. To no real surprise, Moblit was a little less than thrilled about taking up his old post again but he trucked through with an anxious grin in between periods of stress. Getting to see his dynamic with Hange was amusing, if I'm being honest. It couldn't look more different than how we were together, but despite them keeping him in a near constant state of worry, their two different styles did mesh well enough. We were all together in Hange's office one afternoon a couple weeks later when there was a swift knock at the door. I finished what I was writing and looked up at Hange, who raised an eyebrow at me. It was evident neither of us were expecting any company.
"I'll get it," Moblit said, already out of his seat and making his way over. He opened the door to reveal Levi on the other side, irritated scowl perfectly in place.
"Hey there, Levi!" Hange greeted cheerfully, also walking over to them both. I was entering the last bit of data on the sheet I was working on so I didn't join them just yet. I welcomed Levi over my shoulder but continued scribbling furiously to get it done as quickly as possible.
"You," he demanded from across the room. The severity of his tone made me finally look up and over at them all. Hange's eyes had gone wide and Moblit looked a little more uncomfortable than usual.
"Let's go," he followed up, not sounding like a suggestion.
"Uh, sure. I was just finishing up-"
"I think these two are more than capable. We have work to do."
I raised an eyebrow but no one else seemed to want to go toe-to-toe with this one and I didn't want to make it any more tense. I put down my pen and stood up, stretching a little.
"Fortunately I just finished transferring the results from that last report, Hanj," I clarified as I sauntered to the door. "One more thing we can check off the list."
They visibly relaxed and reached out to put a hand on my shoulder. "What ever am I going to do without you?"
"You'll have to figure it out," Levi retorted, turning on the balls of his feet and starting for his office.
This man was going to give me whiplash. I can never keep up with what version of him I was going to get for the day. I looked at Hange with regrettable eyes and they gave my arm a comforting squeeze. "Don't worry about him. You've got this."
"I sure hope so. I hope your door is still open as a back up, just in case."
Moblit looked sideways at us, almost hopeful at the sound of that.
"Only as an ABSOLUTE last resort. But otherwise, with all the love I have in my heart, no," they pushed me forward, stepping back into the room, and closing the door on me.
My mouth fell open in shock at how quickly they disposed of me, but I collected myself and retreated next door before I had to hear about it from my new mentor.

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