Ch. 20

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Levi's office was impeccably organized, of course, but I got to work scouring the ground, corners, and possible hiding places between the doorway and the seat I'd been in before we dispersed. Turning around, I saw him, too, glancing about the room in some spots I might've missed. I stifled my laughter and changed course as quietly as I could, doubling back over to where he was.
"What are you even looking–"
Levi noticed me approaching as I closed in on him. Before I could overthink about it, I grabbed a hold of his jacket with both hands and forced him against the wall behind him. His eyes widened but he didn't look a way or otherwise adversely react.
"This," I replied plainly, using what boldness I had left to bring my lips to his.
Although this kiss was set up entirely differently from the one last night, it embodied all the same fervor as its predecessor. His lips were pillowy despite pressing against mine so firmly, prompting my own to part and allow his tongue to slip inside. His hands that he initially seemed unsure what to do with were now on my hips, hooking his thumbs under my harness straps and pulling me closer against him.
While so much of this kiss matched the energy from our last, it did have some differences, too. The most notable one for me was the flashes and glimpses of color and light that flooded the normal black space behind my eyelids. I felt my eyebrows knit together, trying to make sense of any of it without making it obvious that anything was 'wrong'. The longer we persisted like this, the more clear some of these images became until one in particular filled my head like I was watching a movie.

I saw Levi and I sitting together in an empty courtyard at night, an especially bright moon being our only light source. I had my hand extended out to him, all my fingers folded into a fist but my pinky. I could see his eyes move from mine, down to my hand, and back again.
"Come on," I pressed, raising my hand closer to him. "You have to."
"I absolutely do not have to," he clarified with a huff, mirroring the hand gesture back to me. He held out his own pinky and linked it with mine.
"You have to say it."
He took a deep breath and cracked a faint smile. "I promise."
I repeated that back to him and brought our joined hands to my mouth, and planted a peck kiss on my thumb.
Levi raised an eyebrow at me, asking 'What on earth was that?' without saying a word.
"Uh– you know, I'm actually not even sure. It just solidifies it, seals the deal in a way."
I once again situated my mouth on my hand and waited. He rolled his eyes but ultimately kissed his side of our pinky promise, too, making it very well known that this was for my benefit rather than his own.
"Well, there you have it," I could hear myself declaring out loud. "We'll help each other make it through to the other side of all this together."
He hummed quietly in agreement, looking at the ground to hide his face from me.
"Right?" I inquired at his lack of enthusiasm. "I'd never make you do anything you don't want to do–"
"No," he cut me off abruptly. "That's the plan. After all, now we've..."
"Pinky promised on it!" I finished the sentence for him, reaching over to catch him in a quick hug. He patted the arm I had wrapped around him and sounded like he chuckled quietly under his breath.

My eyelids flew open to see that I was still very much involved where I'd left off with Levi, one of his hands moving from my waist up to caress my face, the tone of our movements being less yearning and more deliberate.
What on earth was that?
It couldn't have possibly been a dream as I was still very much awake – well, as awake as I could be here. It was so clear in my mind that if I couldn't presently feel his mouth on mine, I was sure it was unfolding right in front of me. I didn't want to get ahead of myself, but I admittedly got a little excited as the only remaining possibility became more and more clear.
That was a memory.
A memory, albeit a brief one, from my past with Levi.
Much like last night, I knew I had to pump the brakes here even though every cell in my body only craved more, especially after this proved to be a crucial part in recalling a glimpse of our history together. Today, however, we had a much better excuse to do so which was both a blessing and a curse. I slowed my pace and he met mine, winding down until I eventually pulled away entirely.
"Damnit," I exhaled with a weak laugh, letting go of my hold on his lapels and straightening my stance.
It took him a moment, but he reluctantly let go of his grip on my hip and smoothed his jacket where my hands had been. "That's what you were looking for?"
"Well yeah," I shrugged, trying to play it casual. "I know you don't like to talk like that, but you never know. Sometimes you've just got to go for it."
Levi miffed at me but gave what appeared to be his version of a slight grin. "Noted. Now is there anything else you actually need in here?"
"Not until we get back."
His expression became obviously curious but he didn't inquire further, leading me back out of the office and down the the stables to join the others.

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