Ch. 34

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"Good God," I barely choked out as they pulled the laces tight from behind me. Hange had somehow curated an impressive collection of pieces for me to try and they seemed especially insistent on this one. I couldn't remember the last time I'd worn a corset (if ever in my life), but they were wasting no time pulling out every possible stop for our little social experiment.
"Well if you'd stand still, this would be a whole lot easier," they defended, pulling even tighter once more before finally tying everything up in a bow. They walked back over to face me head on, looking elated at their handiwork. "Oh. My– I think I've outdone myself. Well, go on. What do you think?!"
I turned sheepishly to get a better view of myself in the nearby mirror and I almost couldn't believe my eyes. My wardrobe here was far from what you'd call distinctly feminine, so seeing myself in a skirt again was a bit of a surprise in itself. It was fuller around my figure but lightweight, double layered with the brown top tier cinched at the thigh to reveal a cream color underneath. I had on a white top with long, billowy sleeves under the deep violet corset that Hange had all but repositioned my organs putting me in. Their hard work was not in vain, however; my chest might have technically been fully covered, but was so accentuated now that I wondered how it possibly fit in my uniform the rest of the time.
"Um, Hanj..."
"I know, I didn't know you had those in you, either," they snickered at me.
I rolled my eyes as they pulled my sleeves off the shoulder. "Are you done?"
"Almost," they clarified, picking up the pendant around my neck and holding the moon-shaped metal briefly. "I wasn't personally in favor of jewelry, especially potentially identifying ones, but I like this."
"Good, I do too. It was going to stay anyway, but I'm happy I have your approval regardless."
Hange stepped back to look me over once more, eyes scanning thoroughly. They reached out to pull my blouse down a little, exposing even more in the front if that was possible.
"Hey!!" I swatted their hand away. "I'm not sure of your vision but I for one didn't plan on going full 'working girl' for this."
"Oh darling, if that had been my goal, trust that you'd look nothing like you do right now. This is far more 'how can you work for me' than 'what can I do for you'. You've got to give them just enough to reel them in."
"Noted," I condemned, facing the mirror again myself and pulling my shirt back up. "But I think I can do that just fine this way."

"Great timing, Short Stuff. What do you think?"
I hadn't heard anyone approach but I was now a little self conscious looking like this knowing it was no longer just for our eyes. I forced myself to turn around slowly to face our new addition. Levi's face fell, his intimidating grey eyes softening and his mouth falling open slightly. I felt my heart stop as I took in his reaction, fighting the smile I felt coming on. After a moment though, he reigned himself in and tried to pick up his cold demeanor again. "It looks fine."
"Oooh, come on now! Don't be like that," Hange teased. "You know she looks damn good – don't be mad just because it isn't for you this time."
He scoffed and I bit back laughter of my own. There was a quiet knock from the doorway then and we looked over to see Moblit. His eyes met mine with a small smile but when he got a better glimpse at me, he quickly diverted his attention to the floor, then up at Hange who he'd originally come here for. They excused themselves to assist him, leaving Levi and I alone again.
"I look ridiculous."
"You look...," he walked the rest of the way over to me slowly, "absolutely ravishing."
"Is that so?" I pressed with a huff. "I wouldn't have guessed that at all."
"Well I'll never tell them this, but they're right. You do look incredible – but that doesn't mean I'm especially thrilled that it's for some MP pig to even be in the same vicinity of."
"I can understand that. You don't think it's too much?"
"I think it's... far from your usual. But you make it otherworldly."
I gulped, reminding myself to breathe. This man knew what he was doing; he always did. Levi looked me up and down entirely, fully drinking in the sight in front of him before reaching for my necklace again. "This stays?"
I got goosebumps on my skin from his touch. "It stays. I think it adds a little something, don't you?"
He opened his mouth to comment but Hange rejoined us then, promptly cutting him off. "Alrighty! I think we've got everything squared away! Ready for the run down?"
"Can I get comfortable first? I'd like to be able to breathe normally to help retain important information if possible."
They sighed and shook their head at me, but walked around and undid the corset lacing from my back. Both Levi and Hange stepped out of the room then, allowing me to change back into my own clothes before we went any further.

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