Ch. 23

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CW: This chapter contains sexually explicit material. If you are uncomfortable with, not interested in, etc. content of this nature, the story continues on in the next chapter. Thank you & enjoy. :)

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Levi's bedroom was immaculately clean. That probably shouldn't have been my first thought walking in with what we had come here for, but I would be remiss to not acknowledge it at all. As keen as I was to continue, I was also a bit on edge. I had been out of commission for some time and that hadn't really bothered me until now. I just wanted more than anything for this to go well.
Levi had stopped to situate the door behind us and illuminate the space better. I hadn't heard him approach but felt his hand suddenly on my hip. My breath hitched in my throat as he gave a light kiss to my cheek. He hovered there, not seeming to know if to proceed but I shook my hair out of the way to give him unobstructed access to my neck. I felt a shiver down my spine as his lips pressed against my bare skin, working his way down. He stopped abruptly and spun me around to face him, holding me against his chest now. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
Every nerve in my body was electric and filled with yearning for this man and this moment.
"Yes, Sir," I affirmed, stressing the second word as I recalled his reaction to it earlier. His mouth dropped and I relished this feedback. To really drive the point home, I whispered in his ear breathily, "Please."
He placed one hand on the small of my back and the other in my hair, kissing me fiercely. As much as this felt like a first time to me, Levi was already somewhat versed in things I liked as he lightly tugged at my hair, using this as leverage to gently guide me where he needed. His kisses on my neck graduated to love bites and I inhaled sharply in ecstasy. I heard him chuckle quietly in response.

He began to walk me backwards and before long, I felt the wooden bed frame against my calves. I sat down and hurriedly kicked off my shoes, Levi removing his from in front of me, too. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and froze momentarily. My nerves were starting to get the better of me, but I tried to shake them off; now was not the time for any insecurities to rear their ugly heads. He didn't break eye contact but waited for me to take the next step. I took a deep breath and finally forced my top over my head. Whatever lack of confidence I might've had immediately disintegrated when I caught a glimpse of his awestruck expression. Levi's gaze raked over my body gradually. My arms instinctively moved to cover my torso, which prompted him to furrow his brow. He extended his hand to grab me by my chin and forced me to look up at him. "Don't. Please don't."
I got goosebumps somewhere between the velvet quality of his voice and the pleading nature of his words. I noticed as I moved my arms back, however, that his eyes had a confused look. He reached for my hand and when I gave it to him, he extended my arm out and rolled it around slowly to get a thorough look at the bruising I'd sustained from my last 'date'. He gave me a firm, questioning look that said everything his words didn't need to.
"Uh, slight mishap earlier on my dismount. I can be a little clumsy." I wasn't sure if he believed me as he didn't let go immediately. But he eventually released me carefully, leaned back and pulled his own shirt off.
Now there's a sight I could never get tired of, I thought to myself. Levi was lean, toned in all of the right ways. His arms were muscular from years of ODM gear use and his chest was taut in a way that wasn't as prominent in uniform. I could feel myself staring but I couldn't stop admiring him. He must've caught me, too, because he gave a bit of a crooked grin and shook his head before pressing his lips to mine again and laying me down onto the bed.
I didn't know where to put my hands as I wanted to feel every part of him. His tongue found its way into my mouth and I could taste our shared breath. I ran my fingers over his chest before settling on his well-defined shoulders as he hovered over me. Levi broke away from my mouth to continue planting kisses along my neck and then down to my breasts. He bit me lightly on either side, prompting me to dig my nails into his skin. His hand traced around the band of my bra to my back and I propped myself up to allow him space to undo it, swiftly throwing it somewhere behind him. He massaged one of my breasts while sucking on my neck hard enough to undoubtedly leave marks. I threw my head back as he rolled my nipple between his thumb and pointer finger and narrowed my eyes slightly at him; the heat that was building in my core was about all-consuming at this point, but he was taking his sweet time picking me apart completely.
Levi must've found my response entertaining as he winked at me before replacing the fingers he had on my nipple with his mouth, working his tongue in circular motions around it. My hands knotted in his hair and a whimper escaped me. I picked up one of my legs and hooked it slightly around his waist, eliciting a low groan from him. I really liked the sound of that and a thought popped into my head. I waited until he broke away from my tender skin to look up at me and used the one leg I already had halfway around him as leverage to roll him onto his back.
He briefly looked unamused, but placed his hands on my hips and worked his way slowly up from there.
"You," he commented with a strained sigh, "are absolutely exquisite."
I feared I was going to become completely unraveled at that comment alone, but I leaned forward so that our chests were pressed together and began peppering his skin in kisses and light bites. Levi's hands moved to my ass and this touch inspired my next move. I smirked deviously to myself and lowered my hips, grinding slightly against his already hard member I could feel through his pants and my own. He let out a hiss through gritted teeth. I repeated this motion a few more times before he gasped out loud.
"This– you are incredible," he forced out, struggling a bit as I grinded against him once more. One of his hands tangled in my hair again and the other trailed down from my ass to behind my knee. He tugged just enough to separate my mouth from his chest and rolled me back over in one swift motion. "But I don't believe I was finished here."
I pulled my eyebrows together for a moment until I felt him kissing down from my chest to my stomach, then finally to the top of my pants. I hooked my thumbs under my waistband and lifted my bottom half to get them off when Levi helped pull them down the rest of the way. He pressed his lips further again, this time taking my impatient whine as a green light to proceed with my panties, too.

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