Nature Squad Together!

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A purr escaped Kila walked through the Center near hers. The proud greenness of the place made her pause at its pride.


The voice grabbed the flower girl's attention as she ran over. The scene shocked her as she paused. The park in the middle of the place seemed to growl at a group that looked like they had come from Central. A small girl was lecturing them before they raced off. A sigh escaped her as she went to walk away. Kila ran over with a grin.

"Hello?" The small girl looked up. "I'm Kila from Sacro. And you are?" A grin crossed her face.



The two girls had a picnic just before Roselta's show came on. Another girl joined them.

"Excuse me? May I join you guys? My name's Kia from Rainal." The duo nodded as she sat down. They instantly bonded before a scream filled the air. Roseabella growled as Night looked around. Kila was suddenly on her feet as a light surrounded her.



A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a blue and pink background. Waves covered her, causing her outfit to appear. Pink petals changed her hair and caused her tail to appear. A staff appeared next to her. Her eyes flashed as she grabbed it and landed.

"Rain, flames, and flowers! Make my rainbow! Cure Finneon!"


The other two stared as the newly formed cure raced forward.

"I gotta-" Kia paused as she and Roseabella got up at the same time with their stuff. They then smiled as they called out.



A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a white background. Green leaves and pink petals surrounded her, making her outfit appear. A red leaf touched her hair, causing her hair to change and a bow to appear. A staff appeared next to her. She smiled softly as she grabbed it and landed.

"Feelings are my friends! Cure Ralts!"


A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a blue background. Bubbles circled her. She popped a couple of them, creating her shoes. A bubble popped against her back, creating her outfit. Another bubble popped on her head, making her hood. Two bubbles created her glasses and her tail appeared. A sword appeared next to her. She smiled as she grabbed it and landed.

"Don't cry! Cure Sobble!"


They joined Finneon as she gasped with surprise. With a quick exchange, they were already ripping the Nightamon up.




The trio attacks slammed into the beast, causing it and its owner to vanish in a fury of hisses. They then deformed and grinned.


"So... you're a Pixie?"

"Yep! And I found more cures!"

They were in Roseabella's house as they talked about what happened.

"Well.... Maybe there's more elsewhere?"

"Only one way to find out!"

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