Group transformations? Flash Squad and Shadow Squad meet!

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Shauna, Max, and Ava were looking at a poster on the local board.

"'A famous performer from Muselica is coming to perform here in Danclx.'" Shauna's eyes lit up. "How exciting."

"I can't wait!" Ava said with a smile.

<Isn't Muselica just north of here?> Max asked, his hands moving quickly.

"No... that's Forstx. AngelaDemis south of us. Muselica is far west from here." Max nodded. 


The next day, the trio arrived at the stage. A girl was walking on. The crowd cheered as she smiled.

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She then did a swift bow before walking off. Shauna's eyes sparkled.

"Wow..." The other two giggled. 


The trio were walking to Shauna's house when a voice started laughing.

"Oops." They turned around to see Shadow. The trio pulled out their cure cases.

A bright light surrounded the group. Inside was a bright colored background. Dusta, Mimkyual, and Sylvie appeared next to them. Ava threw Qxical into the air while spinning around rapidly. Max hugged his chest and his outfit appeared. Shauna clapped her hands and feet together, making her shoes and gloves appear. She did a quick spin and the rest of her outfit appeared. Max ran a hand through his hair, which changed it. Shauna's hair grew out and changed colors. Qxical came flying down. Ava grabbed it, her outfit and hair had changed. Qxical had been given a ribbon. Ears and tails appeared on their own. Their weapons appeared next to them. They grabbed them and landed.

"Fairy of the Ribbon! Cure Sylveon!"

"Stories and Dreams Combined! Cure Mimkyualre!"

"Senses, weaknesses, off! Cure Dustalenta!"

"I choose you! Pokemon Precure! Flash Squad!"
The trio raced at the newly created Nightamon. They were quickly removed from the fight. They then heard a familiar fraze...

A bright light surrounded the group. Inside was a nature like background. Nelly, Aloh, Willet, Fam, Lef, and Squishy appeared next to them. 7 split into two forms while V danced into her outfit. Flames and leaves creating the outfits and weapons. V's weapons appeared around her. A bright light flashed and X's form appeared. His weapons surrounded him instantly. A sword appeared on V's back and two knives appeared on X's belt. V and X's eyes flashed as the four landed.

"Flames that Heal the Hearth! I'm Cure Flare!"

"Leaves that Touch the Earth! I'm Cure Leaf!"

"Two of one! Touch my Heart! Nature Duo!"

"Dances of Nature, Follow my lead! Cure Meadow!"

"Eyes of Nature! Cure Unknown!"

"I choose you! Pokemon Precure! Shadow Squad!"
The Flash Squad stared as the newly arrived cures raced in. They quickly destroyed the Nightamon in seconds. Shadow cursed before leaving. Meadow went over and held out a hand.

"Are you guys okay?" Sylveon smiled.

"Yes. Thanks." The group slipped into an alleyway and deformed. The trio looked at the other cures. Shauna's eyes widened.

"You're the one that performed!"

"Yep my name's 7. I was Cure Flare and Leaf."

"V! At your service! I was Cure Meadow

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"V! At your service! I was Cure Meadow." She bowed.


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"X. Cure Unknown." He then turned his back to them.

"My name's Shauna. I was Cure Sylveon. This is Ava, Cure Dustalenta, and Max, Cure Mimkyualre. Nice to meet you guys." The group smiled at each other. "I have food if you're hungry."

"That would be great. Thanks."

"You can consider it as a thanks for saving us."

"No problem."

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