Rain Flowers? Cure Finneon Flies In!

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The rain tickled the ground as people were standing around a firepit. A mysterious fire was burning through the heavy rain. It was a surprisingly pink color. A girl placed down the last flowerpot full of pink and blue flowers. She smiled softly as she started singing.

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I had a dream that I could fly
I can feel each moment
As time goes by

We'd never be too far away
You would always be here
I heard you say

I never thought
Thought that it would be our last goodbye
I still can dream
That one day love will fall from the sky

Do you still remember
All the time that has gone by
Do you still believe that
Love can fall out from the sky
If you still believe in love, in me do you believe

If from where you're standing
You can see the sky above
I'll be waiting from you
If you still believe in love

Find a way
To bring back yesterday
Find a way for love

I hope you will stay
When tomorrow comes today
Love will find a way

I'll be waiting for you
In my heart you are the one
If I cannot find you
I will look up to the sun
If you still believe in love, in me do you believe

If from where you're standing
You can see the sky above
I'll be waiting for you
If you still believe in love

She paused. The flames roared as it flew up and touched each flowerpot. The flowers danced a little at that. The sky opened up and the sun touched the rain. A rainbow appeared. The people cheered. The girl smiled.

"I told you that it would work!"

"Kila! Kila! Kila! Kila!"


Kila was walking home when something rushed past her.


Kila noticed a small girl running away from someone.

"Come back here!" The girl cried

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"Come back here!" The girl cried. Kila hissed.

A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a blue and pink background. Waves covered her, causing her outfit to appear. Pink petals changed her hair and caused her tail to appear. A staff appeared next to her. Her eyes flashed as she grabbed it and landed.

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"Rain, flames, and flowers! Make my rainbow! Cure Finneon!"***She appeared above the target as she pulled out a pokeball

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"Rain, flames, and flowers! Make my rainbow! Cure Finneon!"
She appeared above the target as she pulled out a pokeball.



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The attack slammed into the Nightamon, making it roar. She smirked and sped down at it. She slammed her fist into the Nightamon, making it disappear. The girl vanished as well. Finneon smiled and went over to the girl. She thanked her before continuing home. Kila deformed and continued home. She went over to a pond and dove in. She transformed as soon as she entered the water.


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Hm... what's next...

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