Healer and a Demon? Sylveon and Dustalenta meet Mimkyualre!

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Shauna and Ava were looking around one of the other centers.

"It's so pretty."

"Yeah..." A scream raced through the air.

"Give that back!" A man raced away from a young woman. He was holding a purse.

"No way-" Something slammed him into the ground.

"Ok buddy

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"Ok buddy. Listen up." Someone landed next to her.

"No more stealing

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"No more stealing. Or next time isn't going to be on easy mode." The man trembled as he gave the purse to the lady and ran.

<Bonnie. You could have gone easy on him.> Bonnie scoffed.

"As if, Max." Max sighed.

<Bonnie... we need to get going.> Bonnie scoffed.

"Fine..." As the two were leaving, Max turned and met the girls' eyes.



As the girls were walking to the small camp area for travelers, a voice spoke behind them.


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"Who..." Shauna backed up before pulling out her case. Ava did the same.

"Shadow..." The two girls turned to see Max glaring at Shadow.

"Max..." He pulled something out of his pocket. A cure case. The girls smiled as they turned back to Shadow.

A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a pink background. Sylvie appeared next to her. Shauna clapped her hands and feet together, which made armbands and shoes appear. She did a quick spin to make the rest of her outfit. Her hair grew out and changed colors. Ears and a tail appeared on their own. A pink knitting needle popped up. She grabbed it and twirled it before landing on the ground.

"Fairy of the Ribbon! Cure Sylveon!"
A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a tan background. Dusta appeared next to her. She threw Qxical in the air while spinning rapidly. Qxical came flying down. She grabbed it, her outfit and hair had changed. Qxical had been given a ribbon. Her ears and tail twitched as she landed. She twirled Qxical before posing.

"Senses, weaknesses, off! Cure Dustalenta!"
A bright light surrounded him. Inside the light was a pearl background. Mimkyual appeared next to him. He ran his hand through his hair, which changed his hair. He hugged his chest and his outfit appeared. A bow appeared in front of him. He grabbed it and landed.

"Stories and Dreams Combined! Cure Mimkyualre!"
The trio glanced at each other before running at Shadow.



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The Nightamon vanished without a word. Shadow cursed before leaving. The cures deformed.

"So... you're one too?" Max nodded.

"We'll talk later. Tomorrow for lunch?"

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