The Journey Squad? Champion and Dark Water Meet!

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Chelsea was looking through her notebook. Her Eevee squad was following her.

"We still have a while to go before we can start..." The trio nodded.

"Of course, ma'am." The Eevee squad smiled and left. She studied the sky for a moment before it went dark. She looked for the source.

"Cure Champion..." A voice spoke. She turned to a shadow. The sky cleared.


Chelsea was walking home from work when a voice spoke.

"Oh hello!" She turned around.

"I don't think that we've met

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"I don't think that we've met. My name is Night." She smiled. "And this is my partner!"

Chelsea cursed as she pulled out her chest

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Chelsea cursed as she pulled out her chest.

A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a galaxy background. Eyrin appeared next to her. Eyrin raced around her, making a unique twister. Chelsea slashed the twister, causing it to disperse and show her outfit. She ran her hand through her hair, which made it grow and change color. Eyrin casted a blow that made six pokeballs and a book appeared. The pokeballs clipped on her belt and she grabbed the book and landed.

"Strongest in the land! Best in the world! Cure Champion!"
She jumped out of the way as the Nightamon roared. It quickly became aggressive. She was quickly weakened.

"Damn it......" A familiar, yet mysterious voice spoke.


"Who are you!" Night hissed

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"Who are you!" Night hissed. The girl slashed the Nightamon, making it roar. The girl smiled softly as she pulled something out of her pocket.

A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a blue background. Gorentë appeared next to her. Her device flashed an image of her old form and then her new form. She raced at the screen and suddenly was in her new form. Her weapons appeared in front of her. The staffs went on her back while the swords went on her belt. Her eyes flashed as she landed.

"Let the darkness take a chance! Dark Water!"***"Wow

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"Let the darkness take a chance! Dark Water!"
"Wow...." Champion watched as Dark Water raced at the Nightamon.


The Nightamon roared as the attack slammed into it, causing it to disappear. Night vanished as well. The two cures deformed.

"Chelsea. And you are?"


"Kira..... what center are you from?"

"Calnix. Which one is this one?"


"Well.... Chelsea.... I'll see you later."

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