A silent heal? Cure Mimkyualre Slips in!

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"Somebody help!"

A man got shot. Wouldn't be the first time.


A bright light surrounded the man, wrapping his wounds. The crowd watched in amazement. A boy stood on top of a building, watching. After the man was healed, the boy disappeared. He quickly arrived at his house. A small girl and two pokemon greeting him.

 A small girl and two pokemon greeting him

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"Hey Max!" He smiled

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"Hey Max!" He smiled.

<What's cooking? I can smell something from here, Bonnie.> She giggled.

"She was making her special." Max's stomach growled. The group laughed as they went into the dining room.

"So... have you healed anyone lately?"

<A man got shot a few minutes ago.>

"Ugh... like usual." She smiled at him and they ate up.


Max was running through the city. He had a group of enemies chasing him. He was out of energy and was about to collapse.


Darkness struck the group as Max slowed to a stop. Bonnie stood in front of him with a smile.

"You ok?" She asked, concerned. He nodded weakly before passing out.
He woke up in bed. Bonnie had arms wrapped around him and he was facing away from her. He smiled softly. He was glad that Bonnie didn't leave his side. Bonnie's dark magic helped in fighting beside him. He turned over slightly to look at her.

(Someone help me ship this. Please.)

Bonnie woke up and smiled at him. The two went down and made breakfast. The pokemon soon joined them. Max eventually went out to the town to find something to do.

"Umm......" He turned around.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something

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"I was wondering if you could help me with something." He nodded. He didn't know if it would understand pokespeech. "My name is Mimkyu. And I-"

"Think that you should hand it over." The two turned to the voice.

<Who are you?> She smiled

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<Who are you?> She smiled.

"Shadow at your service. Now, hand over Mimkyu and no one gets hurt."

"No! Leave us alone!" She hissed.



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"Nightamon... awaken!"


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"Oh no..." Max raised his hand, trembling. He couldn't cast like this. Mimkyu ran over. "Here!"

"Say 'Precure Online! Pokemon Storage!'" He nodded

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"Say 'Precure Online! Pokemon Storage!'" He nodded.

A bright light surrounded him. Inside the light was a pearl background. Mimkyu appeared next to him. He ran his hand through his hair, which changed his hair. He hugged his chest and his outfit appeared. A bow appeared in front of him. He grabbed it and landed.

"Stories and Dreams Combined! Cure Mimkyualre! ***He looked at himself

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"Stories and Dreams Combined! Cure Mimkyualre!
He looked at himself. He then jumped onto a building and fired. The Nightamon roared in pain. He continued to fire and dodge until the Nightamon was weak. He aimed carefully.


The Nightamon vanished without a word.

"I'll be back, mark my words!" She then vanished. Mimkyualre paused before deforming. He looked at Mimkyu and motioned for it to walk and talk.

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