Nature Squad Reveal!

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"One! Two! Rain on you!
Three! Four! Towers of Flowers!
Five! Six! This squad's the next fit!
Seven! Eight! Take you down cause you took the bait!"

The other 9 other cures watched as the trio opened up the Southern Centers' Festival.

"Take out those flames!
With the loving rain!
Protecting the forest!
We're ready for this!"

Shauna was the quiet one as she watched them try their hardest.

"One, two, three, four!
All eyes on me, hit the floor!
Five, six, seven, eight!
Nowhere to go, no time to wait!"

Roseabella was merely dancing with a huge smile while the older two did the words.

"Here we go for nature!
Here we are for the stature!
One by one, we take the fight!
One by one, we own this light!"

The crowd cheered as they bowed and stepped off the little stage. Roseabella's face lit up as she went over to the other cures.

"Hey! How'd I do?" Shauna paused before glancing at the other two, who were quietly talking amongst themselves, before smiling at the smaller girl.

"You looked fantastic." She grinned as Max noticed the other two went another direction.

"Thanks!" The blue haired female returned, this time alone and with the three pokecures.

"Roseabella, you almost left your friends." The smaller giggled as Sobyl and Ratal got onto her shoulders while she took Kila.

"Thanks Kia!" The older girl nodded before going away. Shauna hummed at that.

"Who was that?"

"Kia! She and her friend Kila helped me make that performance for the festival." She then giggled as she glanced at the trio pokecures.


Sobyl got to Kia without the others seeing to alert her.

"I know you don't want to get caught, but Roseabella's getting worn. I just watched her meditate by a tree with a red face. That's not the worse part. Lilith is lurking around." Kia gulped as she peeked out, seeing Kila and Ratal working to help Roseabella get back up.

"Then screw it. She needs the rest." She picked up the small pokecure.



A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a blue background. Bubbles circled her. She popped a couple of them, creating her shoes. A bubble popped against her back, creating her outfit. Another bubble popped on her head, making her hood. Two bubbles created her glasses and her tail appeared. A sword appeared next to her. She smiled as she grabbed it and landed.

"Don't cry! Cure Sobble!"


The water cure slipped out and over to where Lilith was.

"Hey!" The darker girl winced before summoning a Nightamon. That's what alerted the others. Roseabella was still as Kila and Ratal winced.


The attack was successful, but the Nightamon hit hard. The older cures were getting ready to form when she got slammed into a wall. Then she hissed.


Clouds covered the sky as a small rain started. It wasn't enough to stop the festival, but it was enough to trigger the water cure's aqua speed. With her sword and supersonics assisting her speed, the poor thing couldn't keep up. As it fell, Lilith fled, allowing Sobble to rest a bit as the weather cleared up. The cures went over as Roseabella got the strength to get to her side.

"Easy..." Sobble nodded weakly as she deformed and sat down, Sobyl getting to her side.


Kila let herself be known, saying she wasn't sure if she was the only pokecure or not. Tomira admitted she was, which got a side conversation from the two about their human comrades. Meanwhile, Shauna calmed Kia down enough to talk about her rain studies, which got the girl to go from shier than a butterfly to a rather talkative nerd. They were able to get to know each other while Roseabella rested (In which, she slept through the whole conversation, in case you're wondering).

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