Journey Squad is finished? Todoki Pokedex Turns On!

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Moonwillowlily was peaceful until a particular light filled an empty house.


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"Ow... where am I... oh no!" It flew around. It then sighed. "Oh well... I think I'm safe." A glow covered the creature.


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"Better... time to find the precure..."


Kira and Chelsea were walking to the square when a voice snickered above them.

"Night." The two whipped around as Night summoned a Nightamon.


A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a galaxy background. Eyrin appeared next to her. Eyrin raced around her, making a unique twister. Chelsea slashed the twister, causing it to disperse and show her outfit. She ran her hand through her hair, which made it grow and change color. Eyrin casted a blow that made six pokeballs and a book appeared. The pokeballs clipped on her belt and she grabbed the book and landed.

"Strongest in the land! Best in the world! Cure Champion!"
A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a blue background. Gorentë appeared next to her. Her device flashed an image of her old form and then her new form. She raced at the screen and suddenly was in her new form. Her weapons appeared in front of her. The staves went on her back while the swords went on her belt. Her eyes flashed as she landed. 

"Let the darkness take a chance! Dark Water!"
The two cures raced at the Nightamon. It roared as they smashed into it. It quickly sent them flying back. They were able to recover and get back into the fight. The mysterious girl from before was watching them, waiting. The two cures were suddenly slammed into a wall. The girl ran out there with a creature following.

"PRECURE CONNECTION! POKEMON DATABASE!"***A bright light surrounded her

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A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a Digital background. Joxer appeared next to her. She clapped her hands together to make her armbands. She brought her arms to her chest and a bright light flashed on her outfit. She tapped the ground and her shoes appeared. Orange wings appeared in a twirl. She flipped her hair, making it grow and change. A bow appeared in front of her. A device clipped onto her belt. Her eyes flashed as she landed.

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"Information at its best! Todoki Pokedex!"***She leaped into the air and aimed her device at the Nightamon

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"Information at its best! Todoki Pokedex!"
She leaped into the air and aimed her device at the Nightamon. It scanned it, showing information. She smiled softly as she pulled out her bow and aimed.


The arrow struck the Nightamon, making it shuttered. She smiled as she aimed again.


The Nightamon roared as it disappeared. Night vanished with it. The trio glanced at each other before deforming.

"Todoki Pokedex... that's what this region is called." Chelsea murmured softly.

"Yeah..." The girl smiled.

"What's your name?" Kira asked quietly.

"Tomira Inakichi." The girl smiled softly.

"Any other names? It's not like I don't trust you but..."

"No it's fine. I have a pixie form named Avery."

"Nice." Chelsea glanced at the poke-cure.

"And your name is?"

"Joxer." It squealed as it flew behind Tomira. The group giggled.

"Well... I have food at my place if you want."

"That would be great. Thanks."

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