Musical talent? The Nature Duo and Meadow Meet Unknown

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V was looking around, trying to find 7. The girl was a mystery.

"V." She whipped around to see 7 standing there with a guitar.


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"Wow... is that yours?"

"Yep. It's more than just an instrument. It's my favorite weapon in battle." V's eyes widened.

"Wow..." 7 quickly wrapped the strap somewhere behind the guitar.

"I'm about to play some songs. Wanna come see?"

"Sure." The two girls walked over to a small stage. 7 walked on and a crowd formed.

7 bowed and went off. She went over to V.

"That was awesome. You can sure play that thing." 7 smiled.



As the two girls were walking to 7's house, the a laugh appeared behind them.



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"Lillith..." The two girls pulled out their cure cases.

A bright light surrounded her. Inside was an orange and green background. Fam and Lef appeared next to her. Flames and leaves raced around her as she glowed. She then split into two lights. The leaves went with one light while the flames went with the other. The lights turned into humanlike forms. The flames and leaves raced around their respective forms, putting clothes and hair on. A bright flash and the two figures were complete. Weapons appeared in front of their respective form. The two forms grabbed their weapons and landed.

"Flames that Heal the Hearth! I'm Cure Flare!"

"Leaves that Touch the Earth! I'm Cure Leaf!"

"Two of one! Touch my Heart! Nature Duo!"
A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a colorful background. Nelly, Aloh, Willet appeared next to her. She waved her arms in wave like form, creating her armbands and shoes. She spun quickly creating her outfit as she paused. She jumped into the air, her hair grew out and changed colors. Her sword appeared on her back and the other five appeared in the air around her. Her eyes flashed as she landed on the ground.

"Dances of Nature, Follow my lead! Cure Meadow!"
The cures raced at Lillith, who dodged and brought out a Nightamon.

Someone ran up to them

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Someone ran up to them.

"No! Ge-" Meadow paused at the sight of a cure case

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"No! Ge-" Meadow paused at the sight of a cure case.

A bright light surrounded him. Inside was a dark green background. Squishy appeared next to him. A bright light flashed and X's form appeared. Two knives appeared on his belt. His other knives appeared beside him. His eyes flashed as he landed.

"Eyes of Nature! Cure Unknown!"***The trio stared as Unknown aimed at the Nightamon

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"Eyes of Nature! Cure Unknown!"
The trio stared as Unknown aimed at the Nightamon.

"Haley..." Was all he said before the Nightamon disappeared. Lillith vanished without a word. The four deformed.

"You're one too?"



"7. I have food inside."

"What center are you from?"


"Oh! I heard that it's almost cherry blossom time."


"We might meet up there."

"Ok. See you then."

"Let's eat!"

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