Invisible attack? Cure Unknown reveals!

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An elderly man getting robbed? Eh. A blast of wind slammed down onto the thieves. The stolen property floated over to the elder. However, there was no one there.


A young boy was looking over his knives.

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"Ugh... those jerks cracked you again, Leaf." The knife hummed.

"Sorry X. But they're too fast." He sighed.

"We'll figure it out." He then vanished.


"Let him go!"

A cry for help? Give us a challenge. A quick blur decimated the enemy.

But no hero. 


X arrived home. He had saved 36 people.

"One of these days I'm gonna get caught..." With zero sleep, he went up to his room and crashed.


The smell of food ran through the air, waking him up.

"Hm..." He smiled softly as he walked down to the dining room. One of his knives brought him a plate of food. "Thank you."

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