A Bigger Enemy? Group Transformation!

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The group was sitting at a table in a cafe. They decided to get to know each other.

"So... wait.... you just appeared here, Tomira?" Shauna asked. The young girl nodded.

"Yeah... in Moonwillowlily. It surprised me as well." She sighed. "But we can't let that get in the way." The group nodded.

"So.... where is everyone from?" Kira glanced around.

"Danclx." Shauna said proudly.

<AngelaDemis> Max's hands moved quickly.

"Forstx." Ava said quietly.

"Knifxl." X sighed.

"Famroa." V smiled.

"Muselica." 7 said softly.

"Blomarketa." Chelsea murmured.

"And I'm from Calnix. Tomira is from Moonwillowlily. That helps. Journey Squad is in the far north. Shadow Squad is in the far west. Flash Squad is in the far east. Too bad that there's no one in the far south. We all protect the center, right?" She turned to her poke-cure, who nodded.

"The Central center is the only place that doesn't have any precures. That's because that's where the majority of the power is. All of the cures are going to have to protect that center." The others nodded. Shauna started cleaning up their area.

"Let's go. We have places to be."


The group was finishing their work in the center when a voice spoke behind them.

"Hm..." The group turned around.

"Wh-who are you?" Shauna asked, praying that this wasn't an enemy

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"Wh-who are you?" Shauna asked, praying that this wasn't an enemy. The woman chuckled.

"Brianna's the name... danger's the game." She pulled out a familiar pokeball.

"Destroy them

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"Destroy them."

The area was empty. It was only them.



A bright light surrounded the group. Inside the light was a celestial background. The poke-cures appeared next to them. Ava threw Qxical into the air. The Flash Squad spun around until Qxical started coming down. The group's backs touched as Ava caught Qxical and their outfits appeared. Shauna and Max's weapons appeared in front of them. The Shadow Squad grabbed hands as a soft light covered them, causing their outfits and weapons to appear. The Journey Squad looped arms and went back to back as Eyrin made a unique twister and Kira's device showed each of their respective forms. Tomira tapped the ground and the twister dispersed and their outfits and weapons appeared. The group's eyes flashed as they grabbed their weapons and landed.

"Fairy of the Ribbon! Cure Sylveon!"

"Stories and Dreams Combined! Cure Mimkyualre!"

"Senses, weaknesses, off! Cure Dustalenta!"

"I choose you! Flash Squad!"

"Flames that Heal the Hearth! I'm Cure Flare!"

"Leaves that Touch the Earth! I'm Cure Leaf!"

"Two of one! Touch my Heart! Nature Duo!"

"Dances of Nature, Follow my lead! Cure Meadow!"

"Eyes of Nature! Cure Unknown!"

"I choose you! Shadow Squad!"

"Strongest in the land! Best in the world! Cure Champion!"

"Let the darkness take a chance! Dark Water!"

"Information at its best! Todoki Pokedex!"

"Let's go! Journey Squad!"

"Come on out! Pokemon Precure! Unite!"
The cures looked up at the Nightamon as it fired at them.


A large shield protected them from the blast. Sylveon immediately followed the attack.


A large pillar of light struck the Nightamon as it roared. The Nightamon got in close. Everyone punched it back. Champion held one of her pokeball up into the air.

"Help me out! Bond and strike!" A small creature popped out.

Champion's outfit went into darker colors as the duo bonded

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Champion's outfit went into darker colors as the duo bonded.


Dark marks appeared on the Nightamon. It roared in pain and vanished. Brianna huffed.

"Stronger than expected..." She then vanished. The cures quickly deformed before continuing on their way.

"Who was that?" X glanced at Squishy, who shuddered.

"Brianna, one of the leaders of the Darfurx." The poke-cures glanced at each other. "She's a lot faster and meaner than the other one." V gulped.

"Let's go home."

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