Chapter 17C: A New Plan

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Olive lands in an abandoned city. She turns her head back and finds (Y/N) asleep on her back. Olive gently nudges him with her head trying to wake him up. Slowly, (Y/N) opens his eyes and sits up on Olive's back trying to get a look at their surroundings. "So this is the place you were talking about?" (Y/N) asks. "It doesn't look like anyone lives here." Olive explains that it's been abandoned for a long time. "I see. So why did you want to come here?" (Y/N) asks before hearing a growl and looking in the direction it came from. (Y/N) sees a pack of grimm and his face lights up. "Olive did you bring us here to find some new friends?" (Y/N) asks. Olive nods and (Y/N) smiles with the possibilities in front of him. "Then let's get started."

(Meanwhile at Beacon)

Ozpin was pondering his current issues. He now had not one but two grimm people to handle, Qrow was clearly acting out of self interest, Salem is involved in whatever is currently going on, and currently the smallest issue he had was a broken window. All things he would deal with in time, but first he has to deal with Qrow. Qrow enters Ozpin's office rather calm. "So what am I here for Oz?" Qrow asks. "I'd say the currently burning forest of Forever Fall should make that quite clear." Ozpin answers. Qrow pulls out a flask before speaking. "I thought that'd be handled by now." "It's being brought down more and more as the moments go on. That's now why I had you come here though." Ozpin responds as Qrow takes a drink. As Qrow finishes his drink he speaks. "So then what's the deal Oz?" "Qrow it has come to my attention that you may be acting in your own self interest." "Well what's that supposed to mean?" "It means that I think you got a bit too hostile with your target than I needed you to." Qrow looks at Ozpin clearly frustrated. "Well of course I was. You told me the target was a human grimm." Ozpin stares at Qrow intensely. "I also told you that he had attacked your niece, Miss Rose. I think that had some impact on your actions." Qrow starts to sweat a bit. "I might have been a bit motivated when you told me that. What did you expect?" He says defensively. "While you're right I may had not thought that part through, that does not excuse your actions." Ozpin says sternly. "So what i'm in trouble now?" Qrow asks sarcastically. "In a manner of speaking yes." Ozpin takes a sip out of his mug before continuing. "I'm having you take some time off to clear your mind. You're excused Qrow." "Now wait just a sec-" "I said, you're excused Qrow." Qrow starts to retaliate but is cut off by Ozpin. Qrow thinks about responding again, but instead decides it would be better not to. He turns around and leaves quietly, taking a swig from his flask on the way out.

It's very interesting coming back to this story after 2 years. Glad to be back on it.

539 words.

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