Chapter 13C: Breach of Agreement

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(3rd Person POV)

(Y/N) has gathered every grimm in his army. He's told them all the mission goal, and told them all the plan. "So we're basically just going to cause as much havoc and destruction as we can. At the end i'm going to get captured, and then tomorrow you're all going to come rescue me, or more specifically Olive is, and then we need to find somewhere else to go afterwards. Everyone understand?" (Y/N) says before getting thousands of growls, grunts, and other noises in response. "Then it's time to breach Vale!" (Y/N) starts to run towards the entrance to Vale with his grimm following him. The army of grimm bash a hole in the wall and run in. They start to attack several stores and buildings, some grimm even attacking people, but shortly after it starts some hunters arrive and start to try to get things under control. They fail and (Y/N) makes his way to the center of Vale. He starts to fight off anyone that attacks him, but eventually some people he didn't want to see show up. The students of Beacon Academy. Immediately he notices the one who killed Olive, and the one who almost fought a boarbatusk. He starts to move towards them, but is quickly stopped in his tracks when he hears someone call his name. "(Y/N)!" He hears Coco yell. He looks towards her and suddenly finds himself unable to move. He hesitates to continue what he's doing, but knows what he has to do and keeps moving towards the people he was after. He continues to hear her calling and approaching him, but ignores her as he starts to cry. Eventually he stands in place as he continues to cry. Most of the members of team CFVY were some of the first people he's felt he could call his friends, and believe it or not he has been sad that he left them behind. He feels Coco tackle him to the ground and continues to cry. "(Y/N) where have you been? What's going on?" Coco asks confused. (Y/N) looks her in the eyes and she sees his tears. Coco looks at him concerned. "What's wrong?" Coco asks concerned. "I-i'm s-sorry..." (Y/N) says before he throws Coco off of him, also throwing away his last chance at going back to having a somewhat normal life. (Y/N) gets up and sees the rest of team CFVY arrive. They all looked shocked to see (Y/N). (Y/N) isn't able to handle this and runs somewhere else. He hears something and feels something hit him as he looks to what it was. When he looks towards it, he sees the people he was going towards trying to attack him. "Ozpin says if we see you to capture you. Either come peacefully, or we'll use force." The one who killed Olive says. (Y/N) thinks for a moment before realizing this could be a good opportunity for his plan to be done. He puts his hands up and the one in white puts a glyph on his hands before ice handcuffs appear around them. They start to guide (Y/N) towards a bullhead and (Y/N) looks in the sky up at Olive who then squawks as a signal that it's time to leave. (Y/N) and his captors board the bullhead as they notice all the grimm retreating. (Y/N) smiles as he sees this. "Looks like the grimm are leaving. What were you their leader or something?" The one in black says. (Y/N) laughs at this before responding. "Something like that." He says looking at the person who asked the question.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) hiding as he watches Chibi CFVY from afar)

(Y/N) arrives at the top of the elevator to Ozpin's office with people surrounding him and actual handcuffs on. They arrive at the top and (Y/N) is met with Ozpin looking at him. "(Y/N), are you aware of what you've done?" Ozpin says as (Y/N) is brought closer. "I'm very aware." (Y/N) reponds. "Then you know why i'm having you placed under arrest." Ozpin says. "Yeah, but I have something I think you'd want to know." (Y/N) says smiling. "And what would that be?" Ozpin asks. "I know who Salem's people at Beacon are, but i'll only give you one of the names." (Y/N) says still smiling. "If you're thinking that will get you out of her-" Ozpin starts before being interrupted. "Oh believe me, I don't. Their name is Cinder Fall by the way. And i'm getting out of here anyways." (Y/N) says as he sees Olive's dark body getting closer to the window behind Ozpin. "And how exactly will you be doing that?" Ozpin asks before Olive smashes through the window. Ozpin falls out of his chair in shock as (Y/N) climbs up on Olive with his hands still handcuffed. "This is how." (Y/N) says as Olive flies away from Beacon Academy as quick as possible. Ozpin gets up and picks up his scroll before messaging Glynda to arrest the name (Y/N) mentioned and their teammates. Ozpin looks at his broken window and feels confused. "What is he planning?" He asks himself out loud.

So I think i'm gonna start working on version A and version B of this story now. I'm only gonna do one chapter at a time for those, but I am gonna at least get those started. Until then, i'll go now. Bye!

939 words

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