Chapter 5: Team Troubles

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Coco grabs (Y/N) by the shoulders before introducing him. "Guys, this is (Y/N). Ozpin says he's on our team despite him being a first year. Now (Y/N) say hi." Coco explains. "Hi." (Y/N) says. "Good. Now (Y/N), these are our teammates. The big guy is Yatsuhashi, the rabbit faunus is Velvet, and the other guy is Fox." Coco introduces. "Now you guys say hi to (Y/N) so he'll stop feeling uncomfortable." Fox speaks first. "Hi." Next Velvet. "Hello..." And finally, Yatsuhashi... He doesn't speak, but instead just stares at (Y/N) as if trying to find something out about him. (Y/N) feels scared from Yatuhashi and hides behind Coco. "Okay you two are already not getting along. Well we can work on that tomorrow. For now though, let's sleep!" Coco says before grabbing some clothes and going into another room. (Y/N) watches confused as everyone but him goes into the room, coming out in the clothes they brought in. "Alright (Y/N). Your turn to change." Coco says. "Change..?" (Y/N) says confused. "You know change your clothes into the clothes you sleep in?" Coco explains confused. (Y/N) stares at her in what she only understands to be pure confusion. "You've got to be kidding me." Coco says annoyed. "Guess we're going to have to get clothes for you tomorrow too." After saying this Coco gets in her bed and starts to go to sleep before realizing there's nowhere for (Y/N) to sleep. "Right you need somewhere to sleep..." Coco says before looking around the room to try to think of something. "It's fine I can just sleep on the floor." (Y/N) says before laying down on the floor. "Okay... I guess that works..." Coco says before laying down and going to sleep. (Y/N) tries to sleep for several minutes, but no matter what he tries he can't seem to fall asleep. He eventually gives up and lays there thinking about things.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) playing fetch with a beowolf)

It was currently 3 AM and (Y/N) still couldn't sleep. He gets bored and decides to leave the room. He walks around for a while, before finding the roof. He stands up there staring at the sky for a moment. "This place really is nothing like home." (Y/N) says thinking out loud. "Yeah... it is..." Someone says from behind him. (Y/N) turns around and sees Velvet approaching him slowly. "Oh you're Velvet right?" (Y/N) asks not really remembering. "Yep that's me." Velvet responds as she stands next to (Y/N). (Y/N) and Velvet just stare at the sky together for a moment before one of them speak again. "So where are you from?" Velvet asks. (Y/N) hesitates to answer this. He doesn't know if he can tell her where he's from quite yet. "I don't really know..." (Y/N) says hurt from lying. "Oh... well that's okay." Velvet says believing what (Y/N) said. After a bit they decide they should head back. "So how did you know I was up here?" (Y/N) asks as they start to walk back to the dorm. "I woke up to the door opening and saw you leave." Velvet answers. (Y/N) basically follows Velvet back to the dorm and the two go back inside. Velvet goes back to sleep, while (Y/N) decides to just lay on the floor until it's time to go.

Wow it looks like a lot is going to happen with (Y/N) on his first day at Beacon.

606 words

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