Chapter 3: New World

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(Y/N) was riding on Olive as the nevermore flew the two of them towards the Emerald Forest. "Y'know Olive, this is the first time i've ever left The Land of Darkness. What's this place like?" (Y/N) asks. Olive makes some noises as (Y/N) nods. "Well it's definately a lot more colorful than where we're from, but we'll probably be fine." (Y/N) says reaffirming what Olive said to him. "Honestly Olive, master once told me about this thing called a 'friend.' I never understood what they were, but I think you're my first one." Olive squawks happily before they arrive at their destination. Olive lands on a cliff staring out into some ruins before (Y/N) gets off. "Wow those look interesting." (Y/N) says admiring rhe ruins. Olive squawks at (Y/N) before flying a bit into the forest area. "Good luck Olive! See you when you get back!" (Y/N) cheers happily. (Y/N) waits for Olive patiently as he starts to imagine what it'd be like to have wings. Shortly after, a pair of wings similar to Olive's appear on (Y/N)'s back. (Y/N) takes a moment to be shocked by this before trying to fly. (Y/N) successfully is able to fly as he sees Olive reapproaching his location. "Olive look! I learned how to fly!" (Y/N) says excited to show his friend his new trick. However, several people come out of the forest area followed by a deathstalker. (Y/N) is shocked by the deathstalker and makes the wings go away before summoning a deathstalker tail. "Cool." (Y/N) says simply before making the tail go away and looking towards the ruins. (Y/N) notices some of the people defeat the deathstalker and starts to feel concerned for Olive. He looks towards Olive and sees several things appear up the side of a part of the cliff, before a girl starts to run up them while having Olive's head stuck on the sharp end of her weapon. (Y/N) realizes what's about to happen too late as the next thing he knows, Olive has just been beheaded and is currently fading into dust. (Y/N) is overwhelmed with several emotions as he cries over the death of his first friend. He summons a pair of claws and runs towards the part of the cliff the girl is on before starting to swipe at her. The girl avoids (Y/N)'s attacks easily as (Y/N) continues to claw at her while crying. (Y/N) catches his breath for a moment as the girl knocks him over with her weapon before pointing an end of it at him. "What the heck is wrong with you? Why are you attacking me?" The girl says seeming confused and frustrated. "You killed my friend!" (Y/N) responds angrily through his tears. "What are you talking about? I've never even met you before!" The girl says frustrated. "You just killed Olive! I just had to watch you do it!" (Y/N) yells angrily. The girl looks at him confused. "You mean the nevermore? It was going to kill us!" She responds frustrated. (Y/N) was going to respond, but someone knocked him out.

I'm honestly really liking writing this story so far. It's an idea I came up with randomly and I feel pretty proud of it. Okay, i'll go now. Bye!

570 words

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