Chapter 7: Disputes

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Coco, Fox, Velvet, and Yatsuhashi arrive back at the dorm and go inside to find (Y/N) poking Coco's scroll confused before looking up at them. "Oh you guys are back. What did Ozpin want?" (Y/N) asks curiously. Coco and Velvet stare at each other hesitantly, as Yatsuhashi has plans of his own. He approaches (Y/N) and lifts him up by the shirt he's wearing. "Answer me honestly. Do you know you're part grimm?" Yatsuhashi asks seriously. "I mean... I guess i've always felt a fondness for them." (Y/N) says answering Yatsuhashi's question. Yatsuhashi throws (Y/N) out the window surprising the rest of team CFVY.  (Y/N) lays on the ground for a bit still processing what just happened. He gets up slowly and notices several people looking at him. "What?" He asks grumpily as he summons his claws. The other people turn away from him in fear and pretend they didn't see anything. (Y/N) finally stands up and starts to cry. He can hear someone approaching him and hears their voice. "You okay (Y/N)?" He hears Coco ask. (Y/N) doesn't respond. He just looks up at her with tears in his eyes. Coco looks at him shocked and collects herself before speaking. "Yatsu didn't mean that. He's just not been in the best mood lately." Coco says. "Let's get you back to the dorm." (Y/N) follows Coco back to the dorm and lays on the floor looking away from everyone. After what the God of Darkness told him to do after he mentioned Salem he's had a hard time being sure if he can trust others. He's now not sure if he can trust his teammates. (Y/N) ends up falling asleep and he finds he's not in the land of darkness, but a completely black void. Suddenly, someone familiar appears in front of him. "Hello (Y/N). I've been wondering what happened to you." Salem says with a smile. "H-how are you here?" (Y/N) asks confused. "You're part grimm. It wasn't that hard." Salem says briefly. "Wh-what do you want..." (Y/N) asks nervous. "I know you ran away, but I want to offer you another chance to join me." Salem explains. "Why would I do that? I trust my master more and he told me to run away from you." (Y/N) says. "I know, but I want to give you a chance to be your own person. You've spent your entire existance following the orders of your master for what? Him to freeze you. And you're still trusting him after he's done this? Why won't you just be your own person? Come back and i'll give you a chance at this." Salem says. (Y/N) doesn't know what to think. Everything she said made sense, but he wants to stay loyal to his master. He collects his thoughts before deciding and speaking.

So this is about to be where things get weird. You will be able to choose what happens to (Y/N). Here are your options:

Choice A: Continue to obey the God of Darkness. This will see (Y/N) staying at Beacon and experiencing some things he probably won't on other choices.

Choice B: Rejoin Salem. This will see (Y/N) leaving Beacon to rejoin Salem's group and experience things from the villain's point of view.

Choice C: Your own person. This will see (Y/N) no longer obeying either and doing things on his own.

I leave this choice in all of your hands. You have a week to decide. I'll go now. Bye!

(Note: All paths will happen at some point. This just decides which I write first.)

619 words

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