Chapter 10C: The Start of Something Huge

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(3rd Person POV)

"So Olive... where are we going?" (Y/N) asks. Olive squawks in response. "Forever Fall? That's a nice name for a place. Why are we going there?" (Y/N) asks curiously. Olive squawks as if explaining to (Y/N) why. "A-an army of grimm? Wh-why do we need an army? I don't want to hurt anybody..." (Y/N) says nervously. Olive squawks reassuringly. "Oh... Then why do we need the army?" (Y/N) asks confused. Olive squawks annoyed by (Y/N)'s lack of understanding. "Sorry Olive..." (Y/N) says sad he made his friend upset. The two eventually arrive at the forest of Forever Fall and begin to look for grimm. They eventually gather a small crowd and (Y/N) starts to speak. "Uh... Hi! I'm (Y/N). I'm like you all... kind of... I don't fully understand who or what I am, but Olive says you all can help me learn that. I want you all to help me with this as we all can be a big community." (Y/N) says trying to reason with the grimm of Forever Fall. The grimm lose interest and start to leave. "W-wait!" (Y/N) says catching their attention again. (Y/N) thinks carefully about what he should do and realizes sometimes in life you've got to make the wrong choice to make a right one. "If you all help me I can guide you all to a decline in human population." (Y/N) says thinking about what he could see at Beacon. He noticed a giant town not all too far from here. He makes a decision. He doesn't know what he'll do later down the line, but for now his goal is making a dent in that town.

I had to look at a map to figure out where Forever Fall is compared to Vale. I now have that knowledge though, so I have that for future reference.

327 words

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