Chapter 4: Beacon Of Issues

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(Y/N) appears once again in the old land of darkness. He once again sees his master come out of the pool of black liquid. "I see you've done as I commanded. Good job." The God of Darkness says making (Y/N) smile a bit. "Th-thanks master..." (Y/N) says happy his master is pleased. The two stay in silence for a moment. "You know, I did think about you very often after freezing you. I was proud of how you turned out. Then my brother had to go and make me freeze you." The God of Darkness says getting angry towards the end. "Actually... I have an idea." This catches (Y/N)'s full attention as he stares at his master in patience. "When you wake up, talk to the man who will be in front of you. He's a big part of something my brother has going on. If things go according to my plan, you may never need to worry about being frozen again." The God of Darkness says exciting (Y/N). "Yes master!" (Y/N) says excited at the thought of not being frozen. (Y/N) then thinks for a moment. "Are you going to return if things go well?" (Y/N) asks. "I may, but that depends on what happens." The God of Darkness says. "Well my creation. It has been nice to see you again, but now you must awaken. I shall return soon." "Bye master!" (Y/N) says with a wave as the god he calls master descends back into the black liquid. Moments later, (Y/N) wakes up.


(Y/N) wakes up and finds himself seated in front of a desk. He looks around and appears to be in a weird room. (Y/N) then notices a tea set on the desk in front of him with two cups already made. (Y/N) hears a sound and turns around to see a man with white hair dressed in green. "I see you've woken up." The man says. "Yeah... where am I?" (Y/N) asks. "You're in my office at Beacon Academy." The man answers before sitting down in the chair in front of (Y/N). "Now it is my turn to ask you a question. Who are you? And why did you attack some of my students?" "My name is (Y/N). Are you talking about the girl? She killed Olive." (Y/N) answers angry at the memory of the girl killing Olive. The man looks at (Y/N) confused before responding. "And this 'Olive' was a friend of yours I presume?" The man asks. "Yes. They were my first friend too. I even learned how to have wings like she did." (Y/N) answers before summoning the nevermore wings he'd learned how to summon earlier. The man stares in shock from this before collecting himself as (Y/N) makes the wings dissappear. "Well (Y/N), I think it would be better if you were to tell me what happened leading up to Olive's death." The man says. (Y/N) sighs before taking a deep breath and beginning to explain what happened before Olive died.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) summoning various features of various grimm types onto his body)

The man was in shock. He wasn't sure if it was because (Y/N) had met Salem, the fact that (Y/N) had befriended a nevermore, or that (Y/N) could summon different grimm features. The man collects himself before speaking. "(Y/N)... where are you from?" The man asks curious. "I've spent most of my life in The Land of Darkness. I lived there with my master before he had to freeze me because of his brother." (Y/N) explains. The man spits out the tea he'd started to drink as he has a realization about (Y/N). He's part grimm. The man thinks for a moment before his thoughts are interrupted by (Y/N) asking him a question. "What's your name by the way? I just realized I don't know who you are." (Y/N) asks. "I'm Proffessor Ozpin, but you may just refer to me as Ozpin." Ozpin answers. "(Y/N) i'm going to give you an offer. Would you like to come to Beacon as a student?" (Y/N) thinks for a moment before realizing he has no idea what this could mean. "What would I do at Beacon?" (Y/N) asks curious. "Well you would attend this academy, train to become a huntsman, and make new friends." Ozpin explains. (Y/N)'s head perks up at the mention of new friends. "Sure. I don't really have anywhere else to go." (Y/N) answers. "That's great. I'll get you enrolled as soon as possible and try to find a team for you to be on." Ozpin says as he gets up. (Y/N) gets up as well. "So what do I do now?" (Y/N) asks. "Well I don't exactly have a good place in mind for you quite yet, but i'll find a room for you to stay in for tonight." Ozpin says as he pulls out his scroll and checks any dorms that may be good for (Y/N). He eventually settles on having (Y/N) stay with team CFVY and brings him to their dorm before knocking on the door. After a few minutes the leader of the team, Coco Adel, answers the door. "Oh hello proffessor. How can I help you?" Coco asks. "Well Miss Adel, I have a new teammate for you." Ozpin responds before stepping out of the way to reveal (Y/N). "Hello." (Y/N) says while waving to Coco. "Hi there. What's your name?" Coco asks. "This is (Y/N). He's your new teammate, but he'a also a first year here. I'll also need to talk to your team tomorrow about him, but that's a subject for then." Ozpin explains. "Well nice to meet you (Y/N). My names Coco." Coco says before extending her hand. (Y/N) looks at her confused before Coco lowers her sunglasses a bit. "Okay... anyways how about you come on in?" Coco says inviting (Y/N) in. (Y/N) steps inside the dorm nervously and stands behind Coco. "Well i'd better be off now. Have a good night Miss Adel." Ozpin says before leaving. Coco closes the door to the dorm before turning around and seeing the rest of her team looking at (Y/N) confused.

Honestly I think (Y/N) and Shattered would get along well.

1091 words

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