Chapter 9C: Free Will

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(3rd Person POV)

(Y/N) falls from Beacon Cliff and can see people looking at him from on the edge. (Y/N) starts to feel sad knowing he worried someone, but turns away and grabs a tree as he gets near it. He feels pain from his hand, but starts to walk. He's not sure where he's going, but he's going there. (Y/N) walks for a while as he finds a giant area that kind of looks old. He then recognizes it as the place Olive died. (Y/N) frowns and looks up at the sky before summoning the nevermore wings and starting to ascend. He goes to the highest point he can in the destroyed ruins and sits there for a bit. (Y/N) suddenly hears a sound in the distance. He looks up and sees something flying towards him. He analyzes the shape for a moment and is shocked. "I-is it really..." (Y/N) says shocked as it gets closer. "It really is..." (Y/N) starts to smile as he sticks his hand out and when the thing flies by him he grabs on. (Y/N) starts to laugh happily. "Olive! I can't believe it!" (Y/N) says as he starts to hug Olive. Olive squawks happily at the hug. "I've been good. It's been weird lately. I thought you died, I got accepted into some school, I met some people, then I decided to leave so I could do things on my own." (Y/N) explains. Olive squawks questioningly. "Well I decided that I want to be my own person. I don't want to have to listen to other people telling me how I need to live my life. I'm just going to wing it." (Y/N) answers. Olive squawks happily at this. "Well of course you can come along! I'm going to need some friends with me for the journey." (Y/N) says. Olive squawks. "Well then let's get going." (Y/N) says determined. Olive starts to fly towards a place not too far away. Olive doesn't want to say this, but she knows the only way for (Y/N) to succeed in his goal is with an army of grimm. Olive flies towards Forever Fall.

Oh hey Olive is back! Yay!

380 words

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