Chapter 2: A New Face

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(Y/N) wakes up in The Land of Darkness in the way it used to be. He's confused for a moment before he looks over at the grimm pool and sees The God of Darkness rise out. "M-master..?" (Y/N) says shocked and scared. "Hello my creation. I see you've been freed." The God of Darkness says. "Y-yes m-master... I h-have..." (Y/N) says nervously. "My brother would be very angry at this. What have you been up to since your freeing?" The God of Darkness asks. "I-i've met some lady name Salem... She-" (Y/N) starts before being interrupted. "Salem?" The God of Darkness says a bit angrily. "Y-yes master she freed me and said I was part of a family..." (Y/N) explains while shaking. The God of Darkness stands in silence for a moment before punching the ground angrily scaring (Y/N). (Y/N) falls onto the ground in fear and continues to shake. "(Y/N) you're going to run away from Salem." The God of Darkness demands. (Y/N) is confused by this, and looks at his master. "W-why master?" (Y/N) asks confused and scared. "Are you questioning me?" The God of Darkness asks angrily. "N-no master..." (Y/N) says as his shaking gets worse. "Good. Make sure to do so by tomorrow night or else you'll have to be punished." The God of Darkness threatens. "Y-yes m-master..." (Y/N) says scared. "Good. You will wake up now. Mention this to no one." The God of Darkness demands. (Y/N) feels the world grow brighter.


(Y/N) wakes up in another room he's never been in. This must be the room Salem was telling him about. He doesn't hesitate before starting to do what his master told him to do as he jumps through the window. (Y/N) lands on the ground outside and notices an army of grimm leaving. He approaches them and a small nevermore notices him before landing near him. The small nevermore makes a noise at him. "You'll let me ride you? Thank you!" (Y/N) says happily as he climbs up on the nevermore. The nevermore takes off and flies out of The Land of Darkness. "So where are we going?" (Y/N) asks the nevermore. The nevermore makes another sound on him as it flies in a direction. "The Emerald Forest? Never been there before... then again i've never left The Land of Darkness." (Y/N) says as he relaxes on the nevermore. "I think i'll give you a name. How about Olive?" The nevermore makes another sound, but this one sounds joyful. "Olive it is then." (Y/N) says as he lets Olive fly towards their destination.

My sickness is cured! Yes!

468 words

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