Chapter 6: A Big Day

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(Y/N) waits until all of team CFVY is awake before leaving for classes. He looks at a piece of paper with his schedule on it before asking Velvet for directions. She tells him where to go and he goes there barely making it in time. His first class of the day is Proffessor Port's. (Y/N) sits there listening to the large man speaking for the entire class, but realizes quickly that he's just going on about himself. (Y/N) looks around the room and notices the girl who killed Olive is there. (Y/N) stares at her in anger before noticing some girl near her raising her hand. (Y/N) feels a grimm in fear and pain nearby and starts to look around before noticing the teacher slicing open a cage with an axe. (Y/N) sees a boarbatusk roll out and feels how scared it feels. He watches it roll towards a girl in white and sees her try to attack it before it knocks her weapon away. (Y/N) has to act quickly and stands up. "WAIT!" (Y/N) yells confusing Port and the girl. (Y/N) runs down towards the boarbatusk before defending it. "Don't hurt it! It's scared!" (Y/N) says. "Scared? That thing wants to kill everyone in this room!" The girl yells angrily. "No it doesn't. It wants to go home." (Y/N) says standing up for the boarbatusk before turning towards it and hugging it. "Are you okay? Did that mean girl hurt you?" The boarbatusk grunts a bit at (Y/N). "Good. At least you're okay." (Y/N) says happy the boarbatusk is okay. "Young man. I don't understand what the meaning of what you're doing is, but you need to get back in your seat and let Miss Schnee finish her demonstration." Port says to (Y/N). "Demonstration? What's she demonstrating? Having no care for poor creatures?" (Y/N) says while still hugging the boarbatusk. "No you dolt! I'm demonstrating that I have the skills of a true huntress!" The girl yells at (Y/N). Suddenly the bell rings and everyone begins to leave. (Y/N) hugs the boarbatusk one last time before starting to leave. (Y/N) is stopped on his way out by Port. "Young man. Come here." Port says calling (Y/N) over after locking the boarbatusk back up. (Y/N) walks over to Port and listens to what he has to say. "Now I don't know what's going on in your head, but I cannot allow you to interrupt the education of my students." Port says scolding (Y/N). "You call taking a creature out of its habitat and making it fight education? That boarbatusk is scared. It wants to go home." (Y/N) says justifying what he did. "That boarbatusk is nothing more than a creature of grimm! A monster that would kill anyone in this school without thinking twice!" Port yells getting angry. "That boarbatusk is a living being like you and me! It has things it cares about and you've taken it away from that. The only reason that it attacked that girl was out of fear and detection of her anger." (Y/N) says also getting angry. Port gets angrier at this and dismisses (Y/N) out of anger. (Y/N) takes a look at the boarbatusk through the cage and gives it a look of remorse before leaving. (Y/N) goes back to team CFVY's dorm and tries to get inside to no avail. He tries the door for a decent 6 minutes befor giving up and sitting outside patiently. He waits for about 20 minutes before Coco arrives. "(Y/N)? Could you not get in the door?" Coco asks. "No. I tried the door for around 6 minutes and it wouldn't open." (Y/N) explains. Coco puts some thing into something against the wall and then twists the doorknob and it opens. (Y/N) goes inside and sits on the floor. "So are all your classes done?" Coco asks. "Yeah. I don't really have anything planned now." (Y/N) says. "Then come on. We've got some stuff we need to get you." Coco says before pulling (Y/N) up and dragging him to some platform. They then get on some giant airship and fly to a town. "What's this place?" (Y/N) asks. "This is Vale.... It's starting to weird me out how much you don't know." Coco answers. "Sorry..." (Y/N) says saddened. "It's fine. Let's just get some clothes for you to sleep in." Coco says before leading (Y/N) around Vale. They go to a few different shops having (Y/N) try on different pairs of pajamas, before they settle on a pair of red pajamas that Coco liked because they matched (Y/N)'s eyes. Coco checks the device from earlier and then looks up at (Y/N). "Okay we need to head back to Beacon." Coco says. "Why?" (Y/N) asks curious. "I forgot Ozpin wanted to speak to all of the team aside from you." Coco answers before leading (Y/N) back to where they got off the big ship. They wait for a bit before Coco gets frustrated from waiting. "Why is this bullhead taking so long..." Coco says frustrated. "I have an idea." (Y/N) says before summoning a pair of nevermore wings and grabbing Coco. "What are you- WOAH!" Coco says surprised as (Y/N) starts to fly them to Beacon. "Uh... (Y/N)?" Coco says still scared by them flying. "Yeah Coco?" (Y/N) says as he flies them to Beacon. "Never do this again." Coco says scared. After a bit, they land at Beacon and Coco gives (Y/N) the device so he can get in the dorm. (Y/N) goes back to the dorm, as Coco goes to meet up with the rest of the team.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) eating candy with an ursa)

Coco, Fox, Velvet, and Yatsuhashi arrive at Ozpin's office and see him drinking from a mug. "Glad to see you all could make it. I trust you've all been getting along with (Y/N)?" Ozpin says curious. "More or less. There's only been a few issues so far." Coco says in response. "That's good. I want to tell you four something about him that you can not tell anyone. Understand?" Ozpin asks. "Yes sir." Everyone says. "(Y/N) is special. Not because he got in without technically taking part in initiation, but because he is half grimm." Ozpin says shocking everyone. "I knew something was wrong with him!" Yatsuhashi says angry. "Now now settle down Yatsuhashi. I assure you he will not purposefully do anything to harm anyone. He seems like he's spent his whole life in one area, and he doesn't have much of an understanding of how things are in the world." Ozpin explains. "So then why is he with us?" Coco asks. "I trust you will all keep him calm. He seems to already trust you and Miss Scarletina, Miss Adel." Ozpin explains. "Now i'm not sure how he'll do in classes, but from what i've seen today with him in Port's class, he may not do too well. You will all need to help him in however he may need you to. He is just a first year after all." Everyone stands thinking for a moment. "We'll do what we can." Velvet says. Ozpin smiles. "Thank you. You're free to go now." Ozpin says dismissing them. They all head back to the dorm with the information they now have and find (Y/N) inside.

Hi! So writing is in a bit of a weird place at the moment. I'm currently working on not only this story, but also a valentines special for A Shattered Rose. I'm having to focus on school though, so that's not exactly making it easy to focus on writing. Anyways, i'll go now. Bye!

1350 words

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