Chapter 1: A Family?

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(Y/N) was asleep as Salem was carrying him back to the castle. She was now in the process of coming up with a plan that involves (Y/N) in some way. She can't just find him and not involve him in her plan to rule Remnant in some way. Salem and Watts arrive back at the castle and Salem places (Y/N)'s sleeping body within her own quarters. She goes to the throne room and sits down in her throne before calling a Seer over. The Seer then connects to another Seer in Vale. Within moments, Cinder's face is visible through the Seer. "Yes my queen?" Cinder says greeting Salem. "Return immediately. I have someone for you to meet." Salem commands. Cinder hesitates to respond for a moment before doing so. "Yes my queen." Cinder says before the Seer empties and leaves. Now to wait for (Y/N) to wake up.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) staring in confusion at Chibi Shattered and Chibi Unknown who are scared by a grimm standing next to Chibi (Y/N))

(Y/N) wakes up in a room he's never been in confused and scared. He gets up and leaves the room before walking around for a bit. He ends up getting tackled by some man with brown hair and a scorpian tail. "Ooh, an intruder! My goddess told me to take good care of intruders." The man says before pointing the tail closer to (Y/N). (Y/N) starts to shake in fear. "My name is Tyrian... what's yours?" The man asks. "M-my n-na- AGH!" (Y/N) starts before being interrupted by Tyrian stabbing him in the gut with his gauntlets. "Agh huh? Weird name!" Tyrian says before stabbing (Y/N) again Tyrian laughs maniacly and stabs (Y/N) several more times before getting up off of him. Tyrian then notices something strange. (Y/N)'s wounds regenerate immediately and he still shakes in fear. Tyrian gets angry from this and goes to stab him again before he hears a voice. "That's enough Tyrian." He hears Salem say. (Y/N) and Tyrian both look at Salem before Tyrian stands up straight. "Yes my goddess." Tyrian says. "You're dismissed Tyrian." Salem commands. "Yes my goddess." Tyrian says with a bow before leaving while staring at (Y/N) angrily. (Y/N) looks at Tyrian in fear as he leaves. Salem approaches the still on the ground (Y/N) and helps him up. "My child that is one of the people who live here in my castle." Salem explains. "He's scary..." (Y/N) says still scared of Tyrian. "There's no need to fear him. He will not hurt you as long as you are near me." Salem explains. "Come with me." Salem says as she leads (Y/N) towards the throne room. "Do others live here?" (Y/N) asks curious. "Yes, but none of them act quite like that one. You may think of them all as your family." Salem answers. (Y/N) has to think about this for a moment. A family? His master never called him that... he wasn't even entirely sure he knew what a family is. "What's a family?" (Y/N) asks confused. "A family is a group of people who live together and care for each other. You are free to consider me and the others living here as your family." Salem answers. "Master never called me that..." (Y/N) says sadly. Eventually they arrived at the throne room and they both step inside. (Y/N) sits in a random chair while Salem sits on her throne. The two sit in silence for a moment befor Salem speaks. "What powers do you have?" Salem asks. "P-powers?" (Y/N) says confused. "Never mind. We'll train you and i'll find out." Salem says dismissing the subject. "We'll need to prepare a room for you to sleep in." (Y/N) looks at Salem confused. "People are supposed to sleep in rooms?" (Y/N) asks confused. "Well yes. Where did your master have you sleep before?" Salem asks. "He just had me sleep on the ground." (Y/N) answers. "Well in your room you will be able to sleep on a bed and do whatever you wish." Salem explains. (Y/N) looks at her with interest. "Well it will take a day before the person i'd like you to meet will be here. I'll find a room suitable for you and until then you may stay in here." Salem explains before leaving. (Y/N) sits in his chair for a bit before getting up and laying on the floor for a bit before getting comfortable and going to sleep.

It's weird that I got the idea for this before I started writing A Shattered Rose volume 3. I was also sick while writing most of this chapter. Okay i'll go now. Bye!

817 words

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