Chapter 15C: Forever Falls

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(3rd Person POV)

(Y/N) finishes talking to all of the individual grimm and decides to wait on Olive to get back. He suddenly hears footsteps in the grass and starts to panic. A man with black hair and red eyes steps out from between the trees. "Well this is... a weird sight, but I have my mission." The man says before he pulls out his weapon and starts to slash through several grimm. (Y/N) sees the man and runs towards him with his claws formed on his hands. The man notices and puts his weapon away confusing (Y/N). (Y/N) arrives in front of the man and he punches (Y/N) directly in the face. "What are you doing? Who are you?" (Y/N) asks confused. "Name doesn't matter, but Oz says thanks for the tip." The man says shocking (Y/N). The grimm all scatter through the forest leaving (Y/N) and the man alone. (Y/N) gets up and looks around confused. "I was confused why Ozpin gave me a specific direction to go in and that there was a human grimm there, but then he mentioned that you'd attacked my niece at one point." The man says before he pulls out his weapon. "So now i've got orders to capture you." The man swings at (Y/N), but he dives out of the way causing the man to end up knocking a lantern into a tree. The lantern breaks and the flame inside starts to spread to the trees of Forever Fall. "You know I think Oz mentioned a bird... Where is that bird anyways?" The man asks seemingly taunting him. (Y/N) hears a sound that he takes as a bad omen. He hears Olive squawk. (Y/N) sees Olive flying closer and the man flash a smirk as Olive starts to fly directly towards the man. The man prepares his weapon to attack Olive before suddenly...

(Moments before, Beta's POV)

I was doing as Master had ordered and was watching (Y/N) when a man suddenly attacked him. I wasn't certain, but it feels like this man has malicious intent. I suddenly see a bird preparing to fly at the man and I feel some connection to it. I noticed the man about to seemingly kill the bird and I feel my body moving on its own as I run in front of the man's slash. I feel his sword cut through me, yet I feel no pain.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I feel nothing but confusion. Who is she? Why did she save Olive? Where did she come from? My mind is pulled out of my thoughts as the fire starts to spread rapidly. Olive squawks for me to get on and I do in a rush before she takes off with the man firing at us from a distance.

(???'s POV)

I look at him and the bird flying off and sigh dissappointed in myself. I look at the girl on the ground and see her body reconnect the two pieces I cut it in. "Oz isn't gonna be happy about this." I say with a sigh out loud as I pull my flask out before taking a drink of the contents.

Honestly this is one of the more intense chapters i've had to write for one of these stories.

562 words

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