Chapter 18C: Rebuilding

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(Y/N) has now gained the loyalty of several grimm in Mountain Glenn. In the brief time he's been here however, the grimm have informed him of something he considered to be of interest. There are some people in the city. After some time, and remembering what he promised the grimm of Forever Fall, (Y/N) makes a decision. He's going to kill the remaining people in the city.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) trying to read a book, but not being able to)

Roman Torchwick is currently waiting for orders. The plan he was supposed to be preparing for somehow already happened, so he currently was having to wait with all the White Fang members for further orders. Cinder's entire plan was starting to fall apart, and he could tell.  Suddenly, he hears someone yelling for them to run. The person runs into him and Roman grabs him "Calm the hell down. What happened?" "Th-there's some freak that's killing all of us!" The White Fang member screams. "What?" Roman asks confused before the member he was talking to runs away in fear. Suddenly, Roman hears more screams and turns to look where they're coming from and sees someone standing over the lifeless corpses of some members of the White Fang. The person turns around to meet Roman's eyes and Roman gets a good look at him. "Black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. You must be the troublemaker Cinder has mentioned." Roman notes. "Gotta say, i'm already not in a great mood today. So let's make this qu-" Roman is suddenly interrupted by (Y/N) attempting to slash his chest with his claws. Roman barely is able to dodge, but does so and fires back an attack. "Well that was just rude." He remarks. (Y/N) tries to attack again, and Roman blocks. (Y/N) looks behind him, noting the panicking White Fang members and smirking. Roman wonders why he's smirking like that and fires at him which (Y/N) barely avoids. (Y/N) and Roman exchange attacks for a while, until eventually Roman finally lands a clear shot on (Y/N) in the head. (Y/N) falls to the floor limp. Roman stands proudly, adjusting his jacket. "Hmph, that took longer than I'd hoped." He says confidently. Suddenly, Roman hears a loud boom and turns in the direction of it. He sees hordes of grimm entering the base and starting to slaughter the white fang members present. Roman looks on in horror and turns to run away, but something grabs his foot. He looks down and sees (Y/N)'s hands clutching his foot. "I... don't think so." (Y/N) says as he starts to get back up, the bullet hole in his head healing itself. "Wh-what? What the hell are you?" Roman asks confused and terrified. (Y/N) causes Roman to fall over, as the grimm start to surround them. "I'm a creature of destruction." (Y/N) says, fully embracing his grimm side as he starts violently slashing away at Roman repeatedly. Eventually, (Y/N) has enough and steps back, looking at the now mangled corpse of Roman Torchwick. He looks around at the surrounding grimm. "Everyone, disperse." He says, dismissing the grimm. Once they're all out of sight, (Y/N) looks down at Roman's corpse and sighs. "I think I overdid it a bit." He says before turning around and starting to walk. As he walks away though, he can't shake the feeling that he's being watched. He looks around until he locks eyes with someone who is hiding, looking terrified and freezing up as she realizes he can see her. He steps closer to her until he recognizes the person. It's the girl from Forever Fall. "It's... you." (Y/N) says surprised. "Who... who are you?" The girl backs away in fear, unsure of what to do. "I-I..." She hesitates to speak. Beta starts panicking, her breathing picking up rapidly as she quickly forms a pair of claws and tries to slash at (Y/N) which he easily blocks before attacking back, incapacitating her. He picks her up, carrying her as he starts to walk back to his base above ground.

704 words

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