Chapter 9B: Re:Family

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(Y/N) sits quietly on the airship. "So where are we going?" (Y/N) asks nervously. The pink and brown haired girl looks at him annoyed. Eventually the ship lands and the girl leads (Y/N) into a warehouse. Once inside, (Y/N) sees a man and a woman. "So you're who my queen wanted me to meet." The woman says while in thought. "You don't look very special, but she told me you were part grimm and I must admit that does interest me." "I'm sorry wait. First of all, what queen are you talking about? Second of all, this guy is part grimm? Doesn't that make him very dangerous?" The man asks. "Aw what's the matter Roman? Scared of a little beast?" The woman taunts. "Well of course i'm a little scared. This isn't some mindless beast we're talking about here. We're talking about a grimm with a mind here. For all I know right now he could be thinking about eating me." The man, now identified as Roman says. "Hey! Grimm aren't mindless! They have thoughts and feelings just like you." (Y/N) yells. "Oh yeah? And what tells you that?" Roman asks. "I talk to them and I can feel their emotions." (Y/N) explains. "Oh great, now I feel even more that i'm gonna get eaten." Roman says tauntingly. "That's enough you two. Now what's your name?" The woman asks sounding annoyed. "(Y-(Y/N)." (Y/N) responds. "Well (Y/N) Roman and Neo will be your new, as my queen told me to put it, family for the time being." The woman explains. (Y/N)'s eyes widen at the word 'family.' "Oh yes, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Cinder Fall. Now i'll be on my way." Cinder says before leaving. "Well kid it's pretty late. We don't exactly have many rooms up for grabs here, so unfortunately you'll have to stay with Neo for the time being." Roman says. The pink and brown haired girl looks at Roman in shock before looking at him in anger. "So your name is Neo?" (Y/N) asks. "Sorry Neo, but we gotta put him somewhere and you're the best candidate to watch him." Roman explains. Neo pouts for a bit before signalling (Y/N) to follow her. (Y/N) follows her to her room leaving Roman alone. "This is gonna be a huge pain." He says before lighting a cigar.

I just wrote 3 chapters in a row and i'm gonna take a nap now. (Note: all 3 chapters were written earlier today.)

433 words.

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