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Sofia Pov

"Order for Andrea Ruth"

"Here" The lady came up to get her drink, "That'll be 10.25" I told her, After she gave me her money I told her to have a nice day and then the next order came out.

"Lila Stevens" I called out again, "H-Here" A middle aged women came to the counter, "That'll be 15.92" I hold my hand out and as i did so she flinched back. I've seem to have that effect on people because of my last name 'Romano'.

"Im so sorry.. uh here you go" The lady gave me the money for her order, "Thank you have a nice day ma'am," "You to" she responded before sprinting for the door.

I sighed, and that was the last customer which meant the end of my shift, I hunged up my apron and turnt the lights off and locked the door.

I have a few coworkers but they went home early today which left me to cleaning up,serving orders and making them I'm usually the janitor/makes the orders which explains why i have a key.

On my way to my car  I spot a black car just sittings in the alleyway of a bakery just sitting there but I pay no attention and continue to walk to my car I noticed a white zip tie on my car and I tried to get it off cause who would do this I decided I will cut it off when I get home .

Once I reached home I smell a delicious smell,
"Ma!, Are you cooking something?" I yelled, "Oh hunny your home how was work?" My mom asked "It was alright even tho i was the only one there working my ass off" I said while walking to the table isle.

"Lingua hun" My mom said in Italian, "Scusa mamma" I responded She went back to whisking the batter of unknown ingredients.

( Translation: Language Hun and Sorry Ma"

"Ma, What you baking?" I asked curiously, "My homemade Shortcake recipe" She responded, "Wanna taste?" She asked holding up the spoon she was using to add stuff in.

"Sure" I get off my stool and go to grab spoon and try some, "Mmm,Its good ma" I said licking the spoon clean" My mom giggled,"Happy you like it please clean the spoon off and give it back" She said pointing to the spoon that was clean thoroughly.

"Yes Ma" I said walking to the sink and cleaning it then giving it back, "I'm gonna go change and then come back down and help ok?" I said halfway going up the stairs "Ok" she yelled.

My mom has been a single mom since I was born and my dad 'disappeared' Its been hard for my mom when I was a baby but she alright now that I'm grown and has a job that can help her out, sometimes I just wondered where my dad is and why he left us. Did he care for us?, I may dislike him cause he left us without notice but my mom said not to cause she still love him.

I shake my head from all the thoughts that were running in them and went to take a shower and change my clothes.

After my shower I look at my phone and see i have 5 miss calls 10 new messages and 5 voicemails, All from my brother.

I listen to the voicemail, "SOFIA SE NON RISPONDI A QUESTO CAZZO DI TELEFONO SONO IN AEROPORTO DOVE SEI??!!" My brothers mad Italian voice filled my ears, Shit today was the day he came home from overseas.


I rush downstairs and see my mom finishing up, "Ma we gotta go i forgot Luca at the airport" I said out of breath and she just giggled and shook her head.

" Come on Ma!" I said grabbing my keys jacket and phone, I made sure all the light were off and the door was locked tight cause people like to break into other people houses.

When we get down the stairs I notice the same  black car from earlier I hurry my mom into the passenger seat and I go around to the drivers seat.

"Why in such a rush darling? Luca can wait." My mom said sweetly, I put my keys in the ignition and the car roared to life.

"Not that Ma there's a black car the same car i saw from earlier and its just sitting there and everything's tinted I don't trust it" I explained to her while she looks back and sees what I'm talking about and I drive off.

Once we reach the airport I see a brown haired boy with  parts of his hair dyed, "LUCA!" I yell for him to come here, He look pissed lol.

"Finalmente quello che ti ha portato per sempre mi stavo stancando e ciao mamma" My younger brother started complaining to me.

(Translation: Finally what took you forever I was getting tired and hello mama)

"Ciao figlio" My mom said, when he got settled I did a u-turn back to the house and the same car was still there just a bit closer, weird.

"Lets hurry into the house" I ushered them both into the house, My brother stopped which made me bump into him.

Why did he stop? "Why?" He asked, "Tell Inside now lets go." I demanded.

Once we reached Inside I locked all the locks on the doors and and the extra lock just incase," Will you tell me whats going on now?" He asked.

"That same black car has been there all day" I told him and he looked so see the same black car i was talking about.

"Ok?," He questioned, "Ok? What you mean 'Ok' cars usually don't stay in one spot ALL DAY and when I went to come get you it was moved up first it was in a alleyway on my way home from work second it moved out the alleyway into in-front of a bakery and now it almost PAST the bakery." I ranted on, my anxiety couldn't handle this so I started pacing around.

"Hey Hey Hey, Calm down" My brother grabbed my shoulders and looked me in my eyes, "Calm down your just paranoid maybe working to much took a toll on you how about you go take a nap" He suggested, I nodded my head to it and went upstairs after giving my mom a kiss on the cheek and forehead.

"Buonanotte mamma, notte Luca" I said before going upstairs, "Buonanotte Sofia" They both said before I entered my room.

When I went to enter I froze there was someone on my bed, The unknown person got up and walked towards me I couldn't move I was paralyzed.

"I've been watching you for awhile pretty you and your mom" He said while bring his hands down my cheeks when he said my mom I was terrified I ran back downstairs to see if they were ok.

My mom was out cold in someones arm and my brother was struggling try to pry the unknown man off of him before he went out cold like mom.

Also these men are not hot to be honest they look nasty and dirty and how did they enter I locked the door tight before I can go check on my family I was grabbed and a cloth was put over my face I couldn't breathe and I didn't want to breath in the chemicals.

They started to drag us out the house to a black van not a car I had suspected it to be It was still in the same spot but not by the bakery anymore it was farther up, I didn't have no more oxygen so I had to breathe in the chemicals I also was trying to fight the man at the same time then we was thrown into the van and it drove off.

Then I passed out....

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